18 years ago
The space jockey's created a powerful alien called THE MUTATION / PROTOTYPE
The mutation either is the next stage of the xenomorph organism or a prototype design. Evidence seem to point that is neither, a separate purpose organism designed for an ulterior motive. It could be possible that the Biomechanoids have fashioned different organisms for every facet of their lives. It is said that the ships and weapons are all mindless organisms, each designed to serve a different purpose and that the aliens we are aware of are just the different forms of a mindless organic machines, except these are bent on destruction. The Mutation, as it was called, is an organism seemingly only found in ruins of the Jockey race leading evidence that they are sentries or guards for their long dead masters. It seems obvious that these creatures were designed first and that the aliens we are aware came after, based on this successful design.
It seems apparent that these mutants were never mutations but a totally redesigned organism. They bare many similarities to the offensive creatures encountered in the Terran systems but are created from a totally different template. Both are very violent to their opponents, both are large, black, armored, and single-minded in their purpose. However, these creatures never rebelled against their masters because they were never programmed to be offensive. They are totally designed from a defensive standpoint. There is no hive structure, no central brain nor a desire for expansion. It can still grow and heal by the absorption of outside materials whether organic or inorganic but cannot reproduce by the use of eggs or queens.
The Prototype is larger, stronger, and more intelligent compared to an alien drone. However, it has no desire to reproduce. It is usually kept alone or sometimes paired up to defend a certain installation, craft, or person. Once programmed, it can only be reprogrammed by someone who can access its biological programming. This biological programming is done when the creature is created, usually in a large vat in a lab either on a planet or on a ship. The creature is assembled from scratch and implanted with instructions on what to do. It is a very difficult task to reprogram since it entails removing the creature’s brain and biologically reprogramming the syn. This is only capable by a Jockey using its biomechanical technology even though it is not impossible for a doctor with a masters in Synthetic engineering to crack it, if he could ever get the creature to stand still love enough to have its brain removed. Even then it is no guarantee that the implantation would be successful. The brain is located in a large skull-life formation, in the trunk. Its head is a long-formed snake-like neck with an end formed with spear-like teeth. It has long legs and arms that end in many fingers with long digits.
The unit is also programmed only to allow a certain number of fellow mutations around it. If the number is greater, the group will remove the straggler. If under the limit, they are responsible for making up the difference. These creatures cannot necessarily reproduce, but can create, from the ground up, their own mutation be converting biological life and then reprogramming a brain on a copy of their own. It takes more than 800 lbs. of bio-mass to create a mutation and the process can take more than 48 hours. There has never been a report of a prototype breaking its programming since there is nothing below it. In a one-on-one fight, an xenomorph is no match for its predecessor but the shear numbers of the aliens sway the odds since Mutations are never seen in more than packs of three or four.
Their special abilities follow.
GROWTH: A prototype has no pre-designed lifespan and can exist as long as there are sufficient supplies to maintain its own biomechanical cells.
BODY: The skin is immune to all atmospheric effect including zero-G. It does not use air as we know it. It needs air to produce sound of course and also maintain temperature.
SENSES: The prototype uses motion and pressure senses to locate its enemy. It can also use smell and hearing as well, but it has no form of visual senses. It cannot be blinded in any way. It is also immune to radiation, and all Gases. Unlike other creatures, these prototypes will not retreat from fire .
DETECTION : Prototypes are invisible to infrared and therm-optics. They can remain perfectly still and immune to motion sensors unless they decide to move. All normal detection systems are normal.
--Prototypes can talk mentally with their Jockey masters and answer to their call easily.
--Prototypes are immune to Mental Illusions and Mind Link.
--Mind Control is possible but hard.
OTHER ABILITIES: Prototypes are immune to all other psychological problems as well as all known diseases. Electricity has only a half effect. They can never be fatigued or stunned. Therefore, the following characteristics are not applicable: Humanity, Endurance, and Luck.
Stun Defense is given a very high number.
All Characteristics not listed are assumed to be One.
INT: 8 WILL: 10 REF: 13 TECH: 7 DEX: 15
CON: 13 STR: 17 BODY: 17 RUN: 24 SWIM / LEAP: 8
HITS: 85 (1.7 K) KD: 18 (0.2 K) ED: 20 (0.5 K)
STUN: 120 SD: 30 REC: 30
Claws 2m
1 m +1
+1 9
6 Can also grapple / armor piercing
Can also grapple
All heil The alien Empress