Hey everyone

Sergeant_Gizmo, Undefined, 16 years ago

Hey, basically, I guess I'm a late-comer into AVP2, my friend recently told me to try the MP demo, and from there on I was kinda hooked. I ordered AVP2 off Ebay last night(should be here tommorow). So yeah, just wondering if this site is still alive :P

PREDATORv2, Undefined, 16 years ago

Yes we are, and enjoy AVP2 there are always people playing it online.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 16 years ago

Yes, this is one of those sites that just refuse to die no matter how much C4 and rust you plant on them. Welcome.

Sergeant_Gizmo, Undefined, 16 years ago

AVP2 is such a brilliant game, one of the reasons I purchased it is to hopefully try some mapping and make some custom models, has anyone tried to make a co-op mode of the first Alien film with all the voices and character from the film yet?

PREDATORv2, Undefined, 16 years ago

Custom modeling and mapping is not an easy task, but if you've got the time and patience. And are you talking about mods for the AVP2 game? If so then I haven't see one like that.

Sergeant_Gizmo, Undefined, 16 years ago

Wow, I would have thought that would have been the first thing people would have done, maybe a 4 player co-op campaign were you take control of the main chars from the original Alien film, oh that would be so good :O

PREDATORv2, Undefined, 16 years ago

I only know of a couple of mods that allow you to play co-op, and they tend to be a pain in the butt, when I used them, sometimes they'd work perfectly and sometimes they'd crash the game.

But don't get me wrong there are hundreds of cool mods and maps that you can get for AVP2. And the nice thing about the game is that it is still popular.

Sergeant_Gizmo, Undefined, 16 years ago

Sorry if i'm being rude here, but would you mind linking me some of the co-op mods that you guys know of :P


PREDATORv2, Undefined, 16 years ago


-Bloo-, Undefined, 16 years ago

Welcome, AVP2 is a great game, and we're still alive. Not alive-alive like an athlete at the peak in his career, but more like a dog who's been shot in places that are non-fatal.

Peterson, Undefined, 16 years ago

hey welcome to the site bro!