favorite aliens predator or avp game

HUNTER1003, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

mine is aliens vs predator the 2010 version. tell me your opion

badapple24, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Mmm. a good one, i favoured Extintion though. I also enjoyed avp 2 because you got to be the full life cycle of an alien

WolfThePredator, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

avp is awesome go predators will tear a hole in ur ass u stupid xenos!

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

aliens colonial marines is my fav from now on.

concretehunter, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

I haven't played many but i did love Predator Concrete Jungle.

Alienxeno what did you think of Alien colonial marines?

alienxeno, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

graphics are pretty badass and i personaly like it more then avp 3 (wich is my second).and the gameplay is like.....damn....there is only a little bit of HUD and the rest is in the items.mostly in heads up display you have a radar,a verticle,your lifes and ammo.here are the radar...a real item!you have to take it out of your pocket and look at it in your hand.you can also still walk while its in your hand.
tbe lifes are blood on the screen.there is a verticle.your ammo is on the rifle itself.

its cool that in the demo you can see how your whole squad actualy gets killed by all those xenos.
the first one is a guy that says his tracker broke when suddenly an alien pops out of a vent and drags him in.the man screams and says ''they're everywhere!every where!''

i like how the team thinks your cool instead of everyone hating you.(like most fpss)
one time an alien pops out of nowhere and jumps on you making you fall from hadleys hope.then the alien almost kills you but you punch him twice in the head and shoots him in the face with a shotgun.then i laughed my f****** ass off because one of the marines said:damn man!you badass!!

i was like:.............hahahahhaa!!!!!

but yeah.

concretehunter, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

Thanks :D I haven't an opportunity to play it! I guess i'll have to watch a lets play of it!

Blizzard, Xenomorph, 12 years ago

My favourite alien vs predator game has to be
Avp 2 which in my oppinion was the best since you
could play the life cycle of the alien and even molt into the queen in multiplayer