Fangoria AVP2 Interview

Angus_Alien, Xenomorph, 18 years ago


At last weekend’s Monster-Mania convention in New Jersey, Fango chatted with Ian Whyte, who played the Predator known as Scar in ALIEN VS. PREDATOR and dons the makeup and armor again for the sequel ALIEN VS. PREDATOR: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST, which Fox has scheduled for a December 25 release. “It was very intense, much more so than the first AVP movie,†Whyte tells Fango of the experience. “The shooting schedule was shorter and, without giving any of the plot away, the Alien and Predator one-on-one combat is way more extreme than anything that has been seen so far.â€Â

That will come as good news to fans who felt the previous movie lacked sufficient grappling between the two deadly extraterrestrial species. “Greg and Colin Strause, the directors, were very particular about the vision that they wanted to see in this film,†Whyte says, “and of course, being a movie called ALIEN VS. PREDATOR, that whole concept is featured heavily.†And Whyte was in the thick of it at all times, because as he notes, “There’s only one Predator [in the movie], but there are plenty of Aliens.†The battle takes place in a small town where the monsters make life miserable for a human cast that includes Reiko (24) Aylesworth, Steven Pasquale, David (FINAL DESTINATION 2) Paetkau, John Ortiz, Johnny Lewis, Gina (FD3) Holden and Shareeka (HALF NELSON) Eppsâ€â€though Whyte didn’t get much interaction with these co-stars. “Barely saw any of them, to be honest,†he laughs.

The rural locale meant that SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST involved more location work than its mostly set-bound predecessor. “That was much more difficult,†Whyte notes. “You can’t control the conditions as much. I really can’t elaborate too much more than that.†Look for Fango’s on-set coverage of the new AVP on this site and the magazine’s pages in the coming months. â€â€Michael Gingold

Some news in there. Only one Predator in the film? Hmmm.


avpunlimited, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

A human is the main character of every movie. Humans are easier to relate to than preds and especially aliens. So it is obvious that a human will be the star.


Angus_Alien, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Some news for you all...

Shareeka Epps talked to MTV about her role in Fox's Alien vs. Predator 2:

"I play Kendra, a human, and I basically try to protect my brother throughout the whole movie," she said. Remembering how "Jaws" once made audiences afraid to go in the ocean, Epps said "AVP2" is set in Colorado and will dictate where audiences will be afraid to go next. "The aliens return through the sewers," she said of the plot. "It's crazy." Epps won Best Female Lead at the Independent Spirit Awards for her role in "Half Nelson."


Bootydaddy, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

So there would be no human as major character...!?

'I'm from the west, and you borned from the woods, when we together, we're WESTWOOD!' - A catchphase which made by The Game when he confronting Tim Westwood during radio show!

_Zwecky_, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Heres a little info i got from Alien experience "By no means a confirmation of the running time, Colin Strause thinks once AvP 2 is edited it'll resemble the length of Predator more so than AvP"
I hope this is true, AVP was really short.

Zwecky_02.jpgResident Evil 4 Player of The Hive!
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avpunlimited, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

My conclusion is that the pred kills a ton of aliens, and gets so confident of himself that he thinks he can kill the queen with a little more effort than a warrior. And when he attacks her she tears him apart.

Now if an army of the aliens from the first movie attacked him, they would fuck him up worse than any queen.


-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Sweet. By all means, make it interestingly longer.


"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in The Mental House got caught."

Stalker, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

I'm personally hoping for characters more along the lines of Aliens or Alien 3, characters which are actually interesting & not just "cannon fodder" (although admittedly, a couple of the inmate characters in Alien 3 seemed as though they were.)

For the movie to truly be a success, it needs to be more than just great fight sequences & creature effects, the human characters need to play an integral role in the film, & must be able to captivate viewers to the point where the movie is viewed as more than just another "Vs" film, & rather as a serious piece in the Alien/Predator universe.


Alienation, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

it is just like Predator2, but only this time it is aliens and they would fight back,also, it is the predator that will be the main character.

^click up there if new or do not want to go into trouble^

_Zwecky_, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

"The Alien and Predator one-on-one combat is way more extreme than anything that has been seen so far.†I like the sound of that :D

Zwecky_02.jpgResident Evil 4 Player of The Hive!
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-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Rayne, that would seriously f*ck up the whole continuity of the Alien universe, and if it gets bad enough, the Predator one aswell.


"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the mental house got caught."

Alienation, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

you mean like when they were abusing Ripley and then after seeing an alien, they started to help her destroy the alien?

^click up there if new or do not want to go into trouble^

rayne, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

no itll be da same only one human will live and probally some girl thats screaming through the intire movie and everyone hates her but they dont make her die... bet the pred and the crazy stupid lady will team up like in AVP. just my guess though. BUT OOOHHH How i will love to see dee blood going like SPLOOSH on the walls and theyll be like "uuhhh my liver!" and theyll die and stuff... itll be sweet.

i just thought... what if Ripley was in AVP 2 i now its impossible but who do you think it would mess with the movie?

i am a ROUGE and shall always be a ROUGE

Nick_Kang_20, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

If there are plenty of humans I hope they all die :S (Yes I know i'm sadistic :P) oK! thanks!


Alienation, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

maybe the queen might still fit in the sewers, if they don't make the queen's size gigantic again.

^click up there if new or do not want to go into trouble^

Bootydaddy, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

But it still sounds a bit disapointed, because I thought there would be a group of preds in fight.....!

'I'm from the west, and you borned from the woods, when we together, we're WESTWOOD!' - A catchphase which made by The Game when he confronting Tim Westwood during radio show!

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Think Alien strength times 107.


"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the mental house got caught."

shadowatching, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Incertain areas is big enough for a queen....but it might be to heavvy for a queen to come up through though i would not know....i dont know the weight that queens can lift...


knew no pity and no remorse. It was the war and the warrior all in one

if life gives you lemons....squirt them in the eye and run away...

Angus_Alien, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

Is there even room for an Alien Queen in the average sewer system?


Alienation, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

So that means that probably a queen alien must have stayed there and layed her eggs, right? Will it also be only warrior aliens, or will there be some drone aliens? I wonder how the drone aliens would look like now in the sewers since the drones' head was a little arched in AVP.

^click up there if new or do not want to go into trouble^

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 18 years ago

No... but that would certainly heat things up. The same alien and predator fighting in the movie, and at the end we see which one trumphs. It's like the original Alien vs original Predator.


"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the mental house got caught."