Exoskeleton question

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

how is that the alien's exo skeleton can resist another's acid? is their a protected coating or something?


predalien_64, Undefined, 18 years ago

Dave said something earlier... something about there chemical composition allows them to not be effected by there acid.


Predalien of the Shadow Serpents

AVPFREAK, Undefined, 18 years ago

Yes, Dave is right. It does have to do with their chemical composition. They are subperbly adapted organisms. However, I fancy that it's not just the chemical composition of their bodies, but of their slime. Mucous in our stomachs prevents the stomach acid from burning our stomach lining. Could xeno slime do something similar only on a much grander and more powerful scale?


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CuteFaceHugger, Undefined, 18 years ago

well your spite is acid if you didnt know it help you brake down food and stomach acid burns the food to but dose it burn you no same with aliens and if it did burn aliens than they wuold all die.

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predalien_64, Undefined, 18 years ago

Thank you AVPFREAK, I completely forgot what he said.


Predalien of the Shadow Serpents

OTANG, Undefined, 18 years ago

exoskeleton has basitic properties, it neutralizes the pH composition of thier blood, just as our stomach linings do; although in different concentrations. acid proof weapons has same properties, nuetralizes the acidic properties of the xeno blood. i have sed it before as well, when soemone asked if acid were frozen into ice and if it would burn even if frozen.


Azzazin of Balatu
Struggle is The Glory

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predalien_64, Undefined, 18 years ago

Ya, sorry man, Dave was the first name that had come to my head. And I forgot which topic you posted the acid thing in. again sorry


Predalien of the Shadow Serpents

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

would that make them immune to all forms of acid? or would there be some acid that would burn them?

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Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Certain acids would burn 'em, I think.

Bow chicki wow wow. What ever that means.

OTANG, Undefined, 18 years ago

its k pred64, no biggie

drenton is correct. from the movies, its implied that this is one of the strongest acid ever encountered. the nuetralizing reactions of the exoskeleton or the internal tissue for that matter, should only work up to the acidic level of the blood. lets pretend Oomans create an acid of greater pH levels than that of xeno blood, that acid should burn right thru the exoskelton.

the name of the game is balance. if a chemical balance is not maintained,as in this case with acid and base properties, a material dissolves.

funny thing is that acids only really react to metal, and bases are the ones that can actually burn skin.


Azzazin of Balatu
Struggle is The Glory

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Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

that would be some potent acid then, not something u want to carry around in your pocket!

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Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

There skin must be acid proof cause then if u got a cut then u would just burn and die from one small cut so there skin has to be acid proof.

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