Company Knowege (*Alien Prequel)
17 years ago
Ok, a long, long long time ago, in a galxy fa, far away lol .... no only joking
ok, quit some time ago i created a topic that went a little somthing like this
Killswitch Says "There are several reasons to believe that the Company was aware of the presence of alien life forms on the planet's surface.
1 :The Nostromo's science officer was replaced two days before the ship left Thedus by Ash, who was under special order 937 to investigate the life form and bring back a specimen. This infers that the Company sent the Nostromo to that particular region of space on purpose, expecting that the ship would pick up the distress signal, be rerouted to the planet, and that the crew would find an Alien there. Ash was brought abourd specifically because he's a synthetic, so he would protect the Alien at all costs and even sacrifice the rest of the crew, if necessary
My question is how did the company know to expect an alien life form in that particular place? "
I got some nice replys, none of which are dead certain, but still nice elaberations
anyway, the point is... this topic is a comparrison thread ..... i think most of us are guilty of thinking about space jockeys and alien creations when we here "Alien Prequel" myself included ...
Maybe that concept could be a prequel, obviously it would have to end with the aliens distruction, mankind`s safety and ony forms of government and higher powers awarness of the events and indeed the species. but it could be a nice alien movie on earth
the comparrison is simply, would you rather have that idea or the space jockey exploration idea .. that could potentially F**k the franchise further lol
I know the members with comon scense will say leave the franchise alone lol and i agree with that, but if another instalment was entered .... which scenario would work better ... which would recieve a greater audience???