well Chopper was one of the Yautja in AVP.. he had the Maul side arm blades on jhim.. he had monkeu skulls on his Back pack.. he got killd by grid and his mask is Choppy lol
well if u really need to see the Moneky SKull, the Mask and the Maul Blades, get the AVP toys set 2 where Grid (before he has his scars) is carying him with his tail that is a new play set i think and u should check it out at either
www.Cryptoys.com, Killertoys.com or somethin else thats good.. or you can just go on either yahoo or google and searh Alien vs Predator Play Set 2 series and it will have all of em, just check the on with Chopper and Grid

"Im The Boss of this city You Ugly Son of a B!tch!"*Yautja War Cry*