Your AVP Ideas?

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Lets say you had the chance to remake Pual Anderson's AVP, What would it be then?

R.I.P. Kevin Peter Hall

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TITANOSAUR, Undefined, 18 years ago

longer and more based on the games.


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Games? Why is the games and not the original movies?

R.I.P. Kevin Peter Hall

.:Message Board, RPG Rules & Information:.

TITANOSAUR, Undefined, 18 years ago

well I I would also base them on the movie I just said based it on the games more cause the movie wasn't based on the games. i'd just base them more on the games more. thats all I mean't.


Kaizen, Undefined, 18 years ago

i would think most on the movies and it pred 1 and alien2

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Mishmuf, Undefined, 18 years ago

I would have added more action to it. I mean, there was some good action, but there just wasn't enough

Aeo, Undefined, 18 years ago

I would have based the movie within the future like most of the Alien movies.

The planet would have one Hive already in the process, while the Preds would have had a scout down on Earth Hunting a human.

The first scene would be a human running from the Pred, and falling down into a hole that drops deep within the Earth. Were he wanders in the dark only to brush up against a Xeno. The Pred watches this from the shadows and reports back up to higher.

Then the first battle takes place between the scout and the Xeno who killed his prey.

Or at least thats how I would have done it

The Only Thing Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is for Good Men to do Nothing.

- Edmund Burke -

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

What are you trying to say, Kaizen?

R.I.P. Kevin Peter Hall

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Kaizen, Undefined, 18 years ago

wat im trying to say is i would of put more action in like in p1 and a2 and base more likes those movies

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Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

I asked what you would have AvP:Aliens vs. Predator be like if you remade it. Not any other film.... Hence the words, "Your AVP Ideas"

R.I.P. Kevin Peter Hall

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god_of_blades, Undefined, 18 years ago

I would create a few new aliens but also i would put it on a different planet and it will have a couple of
predator hunting parties.


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

For one, I would have the classic Predator designs.

R.I.P. Kevin Peter Hall

.:Message Board, RPG Rules & Information:.

Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

I actually had a whole story planned out for AVP2 that I posted in another topic a while back, but I can't be bothered repeating it here, lol, so I'm just gonna note some of the basic stuff that I'd do.

-The Predators & aliens would be taken back to their roots, the classical designs, with a few new styles of course, but for the most part, their basic style would be similar to the originals. This time around they would actually act like aliens & preds, we wouldn't be seeing rubbish about thick-headed preds blindly rushing into battle like some kind of gladiator, nor would the aliens be acting like raptors, they would be very much akin to their classic counterparts, along with the classic sound effects, as most fans would know that nothing truly completes the alien & predator style quite like the traditional sounds of the creatures & the classic music.

-Fear, something that hasn't been conveyed in a pred or alien movie for a very long time. The movie would be very dark & creepy for the most part. It wouldn't all be doom & gloom of course, as there would have to be big action moments between the 2 creatures that would have the audience cheering for their favourite side, but in most instances when the humans are involved, the movie would take on a much more creepy tone, with startling moments that would make audiences jump out of their seats.

These are just a couple of quick examples, but I hope u get the idea of what I mean


Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

I couldn't agree more, m8

R.I.P. Kevin Peter Hall

.:Message Board, RPG Rules & Information:.

TITANOSAUR, Undefined, 18 years ago

another thing I would do is put the frigin' frackin' Warrior(Aliens) and the Runner in the movie. you ever noticed they never brought thoughs aliens back to the big screan. "an Alien sheds a tear"
