
Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

Hey does anyone know about the blade that the third pred was caring. (the pred that died in AVP first.)

AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

that pred's name was chopper, cause his sidearm blades could be used to chop things a lot. giant wristblades.


Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

Right but his don't look any thing like the others

AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

he had three wristblades on one arm. one of them was on the side of his arm and it was the giant one. he also had another giant one on his other arm.


Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

He was Bad @$$. I have a new Favorite.

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

yeah i wanted to see chopper use his side arms on some aliens but noooo paul doesn't care he just says let watch the fans torture while they think about why didn't chopper live so he could use his side arm blades on the aliens.

Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

Yeah, man he was all wrong in making that movie, I mean i can probably watch the movie in 15 mins. well that action parts

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

owell alls we can hope for is a good sequel with a good director.

Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago


Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

who has the phone number for paul anderson so i can cuss him out. lol

Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

Oh how I wish. I'm sure Paul has had to change it a few times, and be relocated to

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

he probably cant go out of his house with out body guards or whatever he uses to defend his scrawny little self, and i hope he sees this post. lol

Shadow, Undefined, 20 years ago

Me Hey you don't by chance know what to do to get a sig.?

Unknown, Undefined, 20 years ago

no ive wanted one but i dont know how to get one i might ask daveberg one day