1.Can you speak your mind on the Mainboard?
Yes aslong Aslong it is about alien vs predator.
but not if you are cussing or other way's of being rude to people.
2.How many Accounts are allowed? 1.
3.Whats the Correct size for a Sig?
(You can Skip this one)
460*90 pixels
4.How many Media Players may you have in your profile?
2? guess lol
5.How many Sigs can you wear at one time?
6.What Charachters May you play as in a RPG?
Alien,Predator,Marine (human)
7.How many Plasma Casters? Uses of Medicomp? And Acid Proof weapons, are you allowed?
One Plasmacaster,one Medicomp use,One acid proof weapon.
8.Name 3 Actual Marine Weapons that are Not Allowed.[ ]
Nuke Bomb's, I cant remember if it is the real class,P38 Grenade launcher,Homing missle.
Tell me how i did lol. i was a bit oeek and studyed for the RPG lol.