Hey guys, I know yall hate cross overs and I'm not gonna make you like them, but you might find intresting things in these type of topics that are great and it'll might boost the site up a bit.
Hmmm AvPvT???
I don't like the name, but I'll know that saying will defintly come true. "Who ever wins ... We Lose." Because the Xeno use us humans as their vessels for the facehugger to grab on to, the Yautja consider us as "Soft Meat" so they'll be hunting our sorry so call race and the Terminaters ... ... ... They are program to kill us because of Judgment Day. If they all were going to fight each other, I'm sorry but I have to put my money on those wretched machines that has that strong titanium armored skeleton of theirs make them some what invincible. I know Predators have feelings so I guess that they will ally themselves with us but that is very unlikely because those Terminaters have that living flesh on them so the Silent Hunters have to be smart and use their Tech Vision to look beyond that flesh. Now the Xenos don't give a flying f-censor-. They are bred to kill all of those they see so those Terminaters will have a problem with that but their weapons will tear those poor fellas to shreds, not before a Xeno jump on one of those machines and gets shot multiple times then that's when the surpirise comes in ... ACID!!!
LMAO I'll stick with the organic monsters that those Terminaters that are very hard to kill but they can be destroyed by Yautja weapons, so there fore the Yautja's will be calling them "Silver Meat". Another prey on their list. LMAO
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Look around each corner before you move because the chances are, you are not gonna make it.