
XenoHunter, Undefined, 16 years ago

This is a story .
Chapter 1: awakening
" Aarrgh", Dustin groaned,yawning."Is it that time already?".He looked around his surroundings,staring at the floor until he spotted his freind,Roark.Roark had brown hair,steel blue eyes,as well as uniform and nerves of steel.Dustin was the exact oppisite.He had red hair, amber eyes,and had his uniform in green.He was also very prone to anger and was a slight bit cowardly."We have a situation," he barked."Get your uniform on as well".As he put on his uniform he realized something."You don't mean.....Oh no.They don't pay us enough for that.." Dustin whispered.The two freinds had been hired as security gaurds for the Santa Maria, a starship that carried precious cargo.Xenomorphs, and the other species recorded in the Gunnison incident.They had created a species with both of their DNAs and called them the X race.They could infect, they were more vicious than even Xenomorphs could ever be.And if that cargo ever got out.... " Yes, thats exactly what I mean" said Roark. Dustin always wondered how he could be that calm, because it annoyed the heck outta him."Lets check on the others" Roark said.But Dustin didint move."Alright then" Roark said in a sarcastic tone.He opened the cryotubes of the other security gaurds in this cryotube conpartment.There were six of them,Dustin,Roark,John,Oeyn,Makk,and Kelly.All the security gaurds got in to uniform and readied their pistols.Dustin filled the rest of the group in and opened the door.On the way out he handed each of them a flashlight so that they could see in the dark.But there was one thing no one saw.When Oeyn had come out of her cryotube, a facehugger had streaked across her leg barely brushing it.But if Dustin had turned around, at the very moment he had closed the door he could have seen it and prevented the death of one of his fellow security guards.....

Chapter one Pt2: The Hunter awoke to the feeling of pain.He oserved his surroundings.He was in some type of tube, being observed by Oomans.What had happened? Had their ship been captured?Had it been destroyed? It did not matter, for he was on this ship, and there was only one objective...to survive.The honourable hunter looked at his surroundings again, this time a bit more care fully.The Oomans where saying something he could not hear..his weapons were on the table, and the other members of his clan were in the tubes as well..then the pain again.He looked at the source of it and saw a tiny mechanical arm slicing some of his flesh off.He grabbed it and tore it out roaring in pain as well.The Oomans looked at him and started grabbing at the door.They were typing something in a pad on the wall.The hunter burst free of the glass spilling the liquid everywhere.He grabbed his Naginata off the table and one of the Oomans grabbed his weapon and started firing at him.The agile hunter quickly dodged and in an instant the Ooman's body lay crumpled at his feet.Once the Hunter turned around he saw four more pulling out their weapons as well.He dodged behind a tube once they started firing, shattering at and letting the hunter inside free.The hunter, in a last ditch attempt to kill the Oomans rushed at a high speed toward his oppenents, but before even he could get there, all four of them had been chopped in half.He looked back toward the hunter,Dahdtoudi, he had freed, and saw that she still had the shuriken in her hand.He smiled one of his rare smiles and walked toward the scientists in the corner.They had no weapons, and they were defensless.The hunter had no reason to kill them and so he decided he could use them.He pointed to the tube and then closed his hands and opened them.The Oomans understood and freed the hunters.The hunters picked up their weapons and armor and cloaked and when no one was looking, silently left the room. [

Chapter one Pt 3:The alien slithered around on the table along with dozens of other Xenomorphs.He hissed in displeasure as the machine arm stuck into his chest escavating a lot of flesh and roared when ever it came out.But the main reason he was in pain was the queen.She was being hurt...have to save hive the alien thought struggling agaainst the restraints.A human came over and said"Well, what do have here?A Xenomrph in pain?" he laughed and spit on him."Orders are orders, it's time to put you to bed",he taunted as he grabbed a syringe.The Xenomorph grabbed his arm suddenlenly and was about to kill him, but at that very moment the queen had broken free.Her eggs cracked open and dozens of facehuggers flew out.The remaining humans were fighting, and losing.Most of the xenomorphs had broken free, and the lucky few that killed a xenomorph had gotten their face melted off by their acidic blood.The queen's tail whipped around and killed the remaing few humans.The gaurd that had the syringe suddenly noticed that the xenomorph he had intended to kill had grabbed his arm.He fell backward in fear and the xenomorph broke free and stuck the syringe into the gaurds neck making him drowsy.The gaurd,thankfully did not feel a thing as he was lifted into the air and head bitten.The xenomorph hissed in victory and watched the battle as he feasted on the dead body.The whole chamber was splattered with blood,face huggers,weapons,chestbursters, and hive resin.They had already conquered a large amount of the crew.The surviving humans were cocooned in the wall, still screaming.The queen communicated with him ,telling him to look for hosts.He obeyed and scurried out to the rest of the ship.After all,he was the Alpha male....

XenoHunter, Undefined, 16 years ago

any positive feedback is appreaciated :)

Namicole, Undefined, 16 years ago

that is a SWEET story rigth there are you gonna show different sides of the story? well i now your doing Preds but are you gonna do Alien and X-Race? also are you gonna have us in it?

XenoHunter, Undefined, 16 years ago

Pt 3 was alien,and yes I will have X-race in it,as well as some of your characters,but only alien,and X-race.To see what an X-race is,and the character template visit my site at: http://mutatedhunter.proboards59.com/index.cgi?

Namicole, Undefined, 16 years ago

humm part three wasent there when i tread it... humm... will ill be the Father of the X-Race my two main jobs will be a Pit worker and Egg Carrier.My charector will be obssesed with keeping up with the hive. making sure i was clean of Hostiles and gtting more hosts and adding chambers to it Ect. is that cool?

XenoHunter, Undefined, 16 years ago

Well, mm'kay,I dont know how im gonna incorporate you into this story because father was created alternativly,on another ship were MOTHER was captured and her DNA was used to create create father.So youll either have to be MOTHER,a royal gaurd,an egg carrier,or a pit worker.