AVP3(game) reviews

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

well now the games out(in some countries)i thought it would be good to share some reviews.
i only go to 2 gaming websites:Gamespot and IGN.

Gamespot gave the game a 5.5/10.
the previous games scored about 8ish.They liked the trophy kill and the multiplayer but said tht the level design and tht the controls were very wierd.

However IGN gave the game a 8.5/10 which is pretty good.

Lone_Hunter2, Yautja, 14 years ago

I loved the game play of Bothe the predator and the alien. my only complaint being that the combistick was only used as aranged weapon only instead of both melee and ranged, and that for some odd reason the campaigns felt too short. I have as yet not been able to have the balls to play the marine campaign yet so I have only one comment. I'M SHIT SCARRED THINKING ABOUT IT!!!!...ahem all in all I would have to agree with the 8.5 from IGN, excellent graphics, story line,controls/movement(while difficult at first if you have not played the first two) are easy to learn and nothing is more fun then feeling god like whilst slautering bands of marines/synths both in small and large numbers whilst getting mad at the number of xeno's still appering after killing heaps of them as a pred, but wheary of any preds around and waiting for the alien fodder to weaken them abit as a Xeno and chasing down prospectful hosts is always fun, humans... just shit yourself while letting bullets fly & run as fast as you can.
campaign to short, and combistick disapointmeant are the only negative

DeathWraith, Yautja, 14 years ago

I miss the speargun, the netgun, the pistol, the combistick.

Everything's good with the Alien.

Haven't played the Marine campain yet, but i assume it'll kick my ass.

Cerrata, Yautja, 14 years ago

Campaigns too short.
Recycled levels.
Alien has like 5 levels if that.
Combistick is not melee-able (is that a word lol)
Why does it take so many hits with wristblades to kill a human?

cleticyautja, Yautja, 14 years ago

well rebellion might make a sequel and from all the negative views they might make the campaigns longer, more weapons and they might sort out the alien wall climbing(i still have trouble with it)

mr_loco, Yautja, 14 years ago

Great graphics, but the game play could've been way better and the campaigns could've been longer too...
More weapons for the predator would be nice as well...
Overall I would probably rate this game with 3 stars out of 5....
Honestly I like AVP2 way better then this one

Survivor, Yautja, 14 years ago

I played the marine campaign it's fuckin hard because your against millions of aliens that don't stop coming and allies that die very easy

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Yautja, 14 years ago

Way too much level recycling and the alien and pred campaign were far too short. However, despite this, they were /fun/. In both cases, the moment you enter an area, the first thought in your mind is 'now, how am I going to kill everything here without being seen?' In some cases, it's tricky, but damned if it isn't fun.

As for the Marine...heh heh, you're going to need balls of steel. On easy and normal it's too simple - it got to the point where I could BEAT THE PRED BOSS IN MELEE. Hard is where it is at. When you go to hard difficulty, that's when you step into the armour and really wish you hadn't.