AVP3 powered by DirectX11 /ATi. - NEWS -

ChrisP, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

SreteP from AVP.net let me in on this tid bit guys, hope you like it.

Read the entire Post here.

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

It shows. I know this is fanboy-ish, but the detail in the hive texture had me thinking (and giggling madly) of Aliens.

ChrisP, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Yeah man, I thought the same thing. The detail going into this game looks great. ;)

Deathdrop, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

I must say, I feel sorry for all the people working on graphical enhancement mods for AvP2 now.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Directx 11, does that mean i'll have to start using Vista, because i hate Vista... Or are they making a version for XP too?

Sam-Jack-Dunn, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Windows 7 is where its at, mate.

ChrisP, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Not sure about XP. I hope it runs on XP. Maybe it will be like AVP2 and you can choose a lower setting or soemthing to play with. I would imagine they would, XP owners still way otnumber Vista owners. It would be stupid not to marcket to that group aswell.

killswitch, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

xp is a joke, the fact that were all still using a 10 year old retro ass piece of shit operating system is a kick in bawls to every consumer that was ever forced into a world of windows.

Vista is actually pretty much sorted now besides it resource hungry ways, but then 7 isnt improving on that dimension anyway so get used to an operating system that eats nearly a gig of RAM.

Mac OSX all the way. If i wanted to play games id buy a games console, my computers for graphics design and video editing.

Still though, i might boot into windows 7 every so often and play this on my laptop.

PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

I've never cared for Mac graphic design or otherwise, but that’s just me. Before anyone wants to question the validity of my opinion on Mac, let me just say I had to use it for 4 years straight doing graphic design. So my decision is as balanced as it can be.

As for Vista, yeah its nice stream lined and appears user-friendly, but as Kill said its a RAM eater, the computer I'm using now it would be completely pointless to bother with vista. So I'm avoiding it mainly because of that.

I'm really impressed with the new Alien vs. Predator game, the graphics are amazing the game play looks like it will be smooth and fast pace. I can't wait to get my hands on it, but I'm definitely going to be running it on the computer (not the one I‘m currently using), keeping with the tradition of the AVP series.

killswitch, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

to be honest no-one can really attack your opinion on an operating system anyway P, personal preference plays a huge factor, i would be interested to hear what you dislike about OS X though.

To this day i use both, primarily Mac because i personally enjoy the experience more, but i have a vista laptop and an xp desktop i use daily.

will be interesting to hear opinions from people on the two operating systems that have actually used both in the past. The most common reason for people to dislike a mac is 'Iv used windows for a over a decade and when i used a mac for 1 hour i felt uncomfortable with it', (<

Auto_Pred, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Ive been playing AVP2 for years now, and althrough Ive never played the original or primal hunt, I'll properly buy this 3rd installment on xbox 360 since I'm using windows XP, and my PC won't handle the game I don't reckon..

Does anyone know how I can roughy check If or If not my computer can handle the game? I know the spec details aren't out yet, but for reference when do I go to check? coze I wanna buy the PC version, but I might not have any choice.

ChrisP, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Pretty much from what I know, the game will be able to run on any computer with more than 112mb of ram and a decent video card. I don't know for sure, but I doubt it will rerquire you to buya new computer, unless your still using 98. I need a new computer though, mine isn't all that kick ass, cause I use Auto-CADD design programming for school and it requires like 2 gigs or RAM and mine right now only has 7** somehting MB of RAM.

But for AVP, I think you'll be alright. I'd get a great video card if you're a hardcore gamer though. (Which I am not...)

PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

To Auto_Pred,

Most 'good looking' games like AVP3 basically you can follow a couple of semi-standard system requirements to play them.

1. They'll want you to have a processor with at least 2.5GHz (dual-core). Or 3GHz single core, most games now in days want multi-core processors.

2. They'll probably say something like: "1.5GB+ of RAM for Windows XP and 2GB+ of Ram for Vista". A good rule of thumb is if you want to play most of the newer games today you will need 2GB of Ram.

3. You'll need a graphics card ATI or otherwise, something with at least 256MB, but to play the game at it's best you will need a card with 512MB to 1GB of graphics card memory.

4. Most games today require you to have from 1GB to 5GB of harddrive space, so make sure you've got the room.

Anyway its something to keep in mind when buying computer games. If you shop smart and research you can find each of the items in that list for a great deal, that won't drain your funds.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Mac users should just stay out of debates about operating systems in my opinion, most people don't use computers just for graphic design and to say that an OS that can do pretty much everything a computer could be used for is a joke compared to an OS that can only do one thing is illogical in the least. Also the PC is the most optimal gaming platform to this day because the keyboard and mouse offer more versatility than any console controller.

But really now, i'm definitely the wrong person to talk about Mac, one reason is that i just dislike Apple and anything that has anything to do with it in general and i find the fact that you can actually use Windows in a window on Mac a bit insulting. Another reason is that i occupy 95% of my time on the computer with gaming and 5% with pirating, rarely do i use it for anything else, so i'm talking from a gamer perspective here.

Auto_Pred, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Thanks for the info Predatorv2 and Chris.

Thing is through, I'm not a PC gamer, in fact I only play 1 game on PC and that's AVP2. So going to all that trouble to "upgrade" my system isn't something I'd consider with great thought. I'll properly just buy the PC version first from EB, then take it back If it doesn't work or If it runs slow and laggy. Oh and I use windows XP, and I bought my computer in 2004, however since then theres been minor adjustments with the hardware and software, can't remember what exactly.

killswitch, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

lol you dont have to do graphics design and video editing to use mac osx, i simply stated thats what I do with max osx

Its not an "insult" that intel based macs can run windows you dumbass, do you even know what your talking about?

DeathWraith - what can you do on a pc that you cant do on a mac...... and why?

haha OH and by the way, this comment "Mac users should just stay out of debates about operating systems in my opinion," is so amazingly stupid that im going to put it in my signiture... lol IDIOT lets reserve mac vs pc for ........ windows users.... Think about it mate.....

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Uhm... i meant Windows being ran in a window on the mac operating system. I've seen it done. But anyway, you should have been able to tell from the second part of my post that i wasn't being serious about the Mac and i just don't like it because i don't like Apple. And one of the fun things you can do on a PC that you can't do on Mac is get a virus. Also games, there are very few games that run on Mac but by the way things are going i think the Mac has a great chance of taking the place of Windows as dominating operating system.

PREDATORv2, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

To Auto_Pred again lol,

PC gaming has it's issues definitely, and it is damn complicated when you first start learning about upgrading and really how a computer system works. So if you really don't want to screw around with all that crap lol, keep it simple and buy AVP3 on one of the gaming platforms; PS3 or Xbox360.

I'm positive they'll release AVP3 on one or both of those.

DeathWraith and Killswitch, lol please no more arguing.

killswitch, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Not a problem DW... i though you were serious, and yes thats boot camp in conjunction with vmware fusion.... im running xp and osx at the same time rite now switching between the two is effortless.

Intel based macs running windows can play games, simple as, but il grant you the virus comment, you can.... enjoy your viruses......

Probably not mate, apple is quit simply to darn expensive.... your grandma is never going to bay $1000 for a notebook so she can browse the web and send e-mails to her grand children

-Bloo-, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

@PV2: Hey, man, don't forget the severely downgraded Wii and DS versions!...

Auto_Pred, Xenomorph, 15 years ago

Predator V2

Like I said, I'll buy the PC version first, and If it doesn't run well enough, I'll take it back and buy the xbox 360 version which is a confirmed release..

Thanks for ya help..