20 years ago
Hello there, I just recently found this site while looking for other fan of the series. I'm probably going to get reamed by all of you for saying this, but I enjoyed AVP. It wasn't alien, or predator movie. It was created to be it's own entity or franchise. That being said it was a good movie, you can't go into the movie thinking OOO another aliens movie, or OOO another predator movie, if you do that you will hate it. You have to go into it with an open mind, and you will like it. I thought what paul anderson did was a great idea, he took theories written by others and transfered it into this story. Look at the story of stargate (aliens creating the pyramids) In no way could he have non-stop action with the alien or predator, so those of you saying needed more action, take a look at alien, and count how many seconds of action is in that movie. Each movie cannot be the same as the others. It has to grow it has to evolve. I also enjoyed how mr anderson used so many practical shots in the movie over the overly used cgi aliens. The look of the movie just feels more authentic and more real, like when aliens was filmed. A movie cannot please everyone, and is especially hard to please the die-hard fans, because nobody tries to recreate the original. But please respect that someone tried, and someone created a movie for you to watch and be entertained.
We got Nukes, Knives, Sharp sticks