daveberg, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

ok i know this may be a little harsh but common, it was pretty bad....after all the hype it was a complete let down. i'd say it wasnt that much better than alien resurrection and predator 2 (both which were poor in most people's eyes)


darkness of acheron

Topdogg, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

yep it was sh*t but wacthable they didnt give a f*ck about what we wanted and didnt put as much money into it as they could, i think im right in saying they killed both speicies and there aint gonna be any other films from the two

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daveberg, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

not sperate ones thats for sure. paul anderson should be killed horribly.


darkness of acheron

Unknown, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

yes he should

All Bow before the Mighty and Powerful Queen

Unknown, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

they better make the second avp better


my avp site


bug-hunt, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

come on guys yeah it was but hay it did have some great looking aliens and the queen!


Unknown, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

yeah some of it was cool but they have to make the second twice as good


my avp site


Unknown, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

guys im off see ya tomoz


my avp site


bug-hunt, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

justs needs to be longer at least 2 hours stretch it out a bit have more action and suspense. + loads and loads off aliens hehehe


pvthudson, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

Hello there, I just recently found this site while looking for other fan of the series. I'm probably going to get reamed by all of you for saying this, but I enjoyed AVP. It wasn't alien, or predator movie. It was created to be it's own entity or franchise. That being said it was a good movie, you can't go into the movie thinking OOO another aliens movie, or OOO another predator movie, if you do that you will hate it. You have to go into it with an open mind, and you will like it. I thought what paul anderson did was a great idea, he took theories written by others and transfered it into this story. Look at the story of stargate (aliens creating the pyramids) In no way could he have non-stop action with the alien or predator, so those of you saying needed more action, take a look at alien, and count how many seconds of action is in that movie. Each movie cannot be the same as the others. It has to grow it has to evolve. I also enjoyed how mr anderson used so many practical shots in the movie over the overly used cgi aliens. The look of the movie just feels more authentic and more real, like when aliens was filmed. A movie cannot please everyone, and is especially hard to please the die-hard fans, because nobody tries to recreate the original. But please respect that someone tried, and someone created a movie for you to watch and be entertained.

We got Nukes, Knives, Sharp sticks

Dachande, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

no they should start basing the avp movies on the avp books it would be a hell of alot better just my opinion

Death to all that challenge the mighty Dachande

daveberg, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

i think that entertainment and enjoyment are things that no 'real' fan can claim to have after watching this piece of 'sh!t' i waited forever for this movie and all i'm left with is an empty feeling in my stomach, probably due to the fact i actually paid to go and see this pitiful attempt at a fan pleaser.


darkness of acheron

daveberg, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

oh and plus, the razzie awards actually voted avp as one of the worst sequels ever (though, they kinda screwed up seeing as avp isn't a sequel to any of the alien films....duh)


darkness of acheron

Xenomorphose, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

Pythudson, you pansy?


daveberg, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

hudson, if you get another 4 memebers, you should start a marine clan on this board, would be cool.


darkness of acheron

Xenomorphose, Xenomorph, 20 years ago



daveberg, Xenomorph, 20 years ago

you like eminem? cant say i agree with you there, i really really dislike most rap/hip-hop/R N B/garage,

i just dont like the sort of culture it goes hand in hand with, and yes, i know i'm stereotyping, people could say the same about me because i listen to alternative/nu metal stuff, but hey, we all entitled to our opinions.


darkness of acheron

predator_1, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Dave. Avp wasnt THAT bad. you got to admit the action was cool. And the preds.

DeathWraith, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Um... this topic is almost 3 years old.. why the hell did you bump it right now...? Wasn`t AvP discussed in other newer topics, made while you were here??? HOW THE HELL DOES AN 11 YEAR-OLD`S MIND WORK, DAMNIT????

Predalien_Claw, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Atleast the brothers did research on the second avp movies so it can't be worst than the first movie.

The-Wolf, Xenomorph, 17 years ago

Isn't this an old stopic?

And how could any one compare Predator2 to Alien Ressurection?