Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

Alien win, Paul lose.


daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

now that would be something worth seeing, kill that guy, he shouldn't be allowed to make any other films.


darkness of acheron

Deathdrop, Undefined, 20 years ago

Now, guys, we shouldn't make fun of hime, excuse me-*HACK!*- Oh. sorry, I have a cold-*BADDIRECTER!*- Wow, sorry, this cold just won't- -*HES!*-you know what? Ima come back later...

Everyone is insane. The ones in the nuthouse just got caught.

pvthudson, Undefined, 20 years ago

Hate me if you will, I still like paul. This movie was "in-development" for a long time, due to bad scripts and he brought them something that was good enough. I still like avp

We got Nukes, Knives, Sharp sticks

Godfather, Undefined, 20 years ago

What an @$$ he is. He could have pulled a great script from any of the books or even the second computer game. He is not a fan, just a pawn to make money. He even had the nerve to rate the movie pg-13.

He messed up resident evil as well.

pvthudson, Undefined, 20 years ago

If the studio that green lighted paul, wanted it to be a script from any of the books / comics they would have used it. It's cheaper they already own those rights. They wanted the stories to be the stories and let the movies be seperate.

We got Nukes, Knives, Sharp sticks

daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

lets look at the facts. paul anderscum is a cr&p director, not only did he make a complete mess of AVP but he also destroyed resident evil as well, i thought those films were boring, i fell asleep in the first one. the only decent film he has to his name is event horizon.

'C0X' studios pulled the plug on the over 18 rating but it was anderson who came up with half of the shat script. he couldn't even give us some decent deleted scenes, not one of them so i hear, has any battles in...????!!!!???

one last thought, please let their not be another avp, the first one has made me want to gouge my eyes out.


darkness of acheron

Godfather, Undefined, 20 years ago

Well, we always have the games. As well as the books. WE can all take solice in the fact that it could have ed more I geuss.

AVPFREAK, Undefined, 20 years ago

paul just doesn't make masterpieces. he makes entertaining movies. i still like him, but some think i'm crazy. like other times i just say i was overwhelmed seeing the creatures fight, even for a short time. i'm an action fanatic, good writing and acting make it better, but avp was all i needed, a good popcorn flick with cool effects.

In this war, their shall never be a clear winner. It will go on as long as our universe exists.


Scar_Predator, Undefined, 20 years ago

Hi guys!Hey,dave i know how to put pictures!Yeah its really hard.And takes me time to get
it done.


Elder-Predator, Undefined, 20 years ago

You guys got a point about poor paul anderson i like him for being some one to bring AVP to use even if he did a s**t a** job of it. You know wht would have made it better??? having Anorld Swarsanagger and Riply in the movie would that have been fun??

Im a big fan of AVP and the games

jorgea, Undefined, 12 years ago

That would make a great match to watch.

[edited by mod]

Mebber, Undefined, 12 years ago

One more advertisement and you'll get banned, jorgea.

alienxeno, Undefined, 12 years ago

is this old......

Deathdrop, Undefined, 12 years ago
