AVP 2 news

AVPFREAK, Undefined, 18 years ago

Go to planetavp.com and check out the link they have to a Youtube click of a behind the scenes look at the film. Its pretty cool, also the film now is said to take place in Colorado, not Texas as was presumed.


~For centuries, human beings have worshipped these beasts as gods, beasts that will forever haunt us, beasts waging an eternal war.....~

Crow, Undefined, 18 years ago

Erm...can you post the link to YouTube? *is lazy*


Bootydaddy, Undefined, 18 years ago

exactly, then we can find it much easier.....or you just making a new year joke.....!?

'I'm from the west, and you borned from the woods, when we together, we're WESTWOOD!' - A catchphase which made by The Game when he confronting Tim Westwood during radio show!

-Bloo-, Undefined, 18 years ago

I'm not lazy, but whenever someone gives me directions to a webisode exclusive without pictures... ermm, bad memories. Let's just say that my sister thought I was looking at *sensored*.

"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the mental house got caught."

Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

It's the same video that Harrigan posted up yesterday.


-Bloo-, Undefined, 18 years ago

Thanks for the heads up...

"To me, everyone is crazy. The ones in the mental house got caught."

Stalker, Undefined, 18 years ago

I just took a look on Wikipedia, & one of the characters is named "Sheriff" Morales, which means the film is leaning towards the country town setting which we had all feared, translated, this means we're all well & truly screwed as far as hoping that AVP2 will turn out any decent, many will probably still say that it's just a rumour, but it seems to have been blown much too out of proportion for that.
