are there different genders of predator?

jj-ice, Undefined, 17 years ago

I have always wondered how to tell a male from a female predator?

predator428, Undefined, 17 years ago

We have never seen a female predator but they probably have the same differences in genders that humans do. For all we know the preds from the other movies could be female.

Also if you are asking how to tell the difference between their genders, why is the topic named "are there different genders of predator?"

jj-ice, Undefined, 17 years ago

thanks for picking up my grammar error Predator428 sorry for that i wasn`t thinking

ash, Undefined, 17 years ago

Actually you can, i've read about it and female predators are alot taller, stronger, and smarter, they tell the males to go hunt for there love, though u never see females fight its against there honour code, this is what i know from reading about it, hope it helps.

Namicole, Undefined, 17 years ago

If your getting of that one site then I dont think that It could be COMPLETELLY true. if you read it from a comic then your good.

PREDATORv2, Undefined, 17 years ago

I've heard the same stuff from some predator books and comics Ash, I agree with you on that also. It just seems the most logical to me that they have seperate genders. Besides as most of you know, most of the organisms we know of that use Asexual reproduce are single celled organisms, plants, etc. Although there are frogs that can change their gender if they are in a single gender enviroment....I'm done.