Aliens vs. Predator 3

Mebber, Human, 15 years ago

Woo-hoo, i've just came home, checked unsuspecting my mail box... and what yu guys think i found? AvP3, it's here!

But i have no idea WHY. German amazon where i ordered it dates release on 19. FEB, estimated date of delivery denoted 25. February - 03. March. Odd.

However, this is gonna be a GREAT evening!

TDN, Human, 15 years ago

Damn, congrats man! Have fun playing cause I can't yet. I'm buying my copy tomorrow (since here in Canada the game releases on Feb 17th). But I can't play it until next week (midterms, assignments etc).

By the way, which console/PC did you get it for?

Mebber, Human, 15 years ago

Damn, seems like i'm not THAT lucky. The Game can't be installed/activated until official realease date. OK, three more days...

Besides, there are rumours AvP3 will be actually impossible to activate in ger, cause it isn't admitted by the USK (an german control instance, very deprecative on games containing "unnecessary violence").
Got to excogitate something if that's the case.

I've bought AvP3 for PC. I've just purchased (january) a whole new pcsys, cause my old one was ready for retirement. Now i own a quad-core system. Jeez, i owned this ol' tin can for almost eight years!

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

Holy shit downloading it as we speak FUCK YEA

15 gb, expecting some complex environments.

This is the day i've been waiting for ever since i finished AvP2 for the first time.

My friends... tonight i cum godly jellyfish with explosive ice cream.

TDN, Human, 15 years ago

Ack, lucky bastard. I'm still pissed I can't play until next week. You're getting it for PC as well I assume? Shame I can't play you guys online.

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

For PC of course, only console i ever owned was a SNES. But yeah, i probably won't be playing online either what with it being pirated and all.

Remember kids, piracy is a BAD thing, it will burn out your eyes and make your peepee limp and useless. Always buy the games for PC as it helps the developers make more games for PC and so i will have something to play.

TDN, Human, 15 years ago

Why pirate it? The PC version's even 10$ cheaper than the consoles! I doubt you don't have 50$ to spare. And if you're not playing online, then you're missing out on more than half the fun of an AVP game.

And did you just compared piracy to sex with a hooker? Then again, at least piracy won't lose you a couple of hundred bucks and your dignity.

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

I am Romanian. I do not pay for software.

In any case, i'm a singe-player person. The only game i ever liked playing in multiplayer was Half-Life.

TDN, Human, 15 years ago

If that's the case, why did you try the demo considering it was a Multiplayer demo? And you sound like you even liked the demo and Multiplayer. So once again, why not buy it? Last I check, being Romanian didn't stop you from buying games (the only European country I know that impose some restrictions is Germany).

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

We just don't buy software. My Windows, my Daemon Tools, my Photoshop, my BitDefender are all pirated and so is every other thing i've ever installed. And not just mine, if you can find a Romanian who has bought his software then you should get the Nobel Prize for exploration or something. Anyway, i tried the demo because i wanted to see how the game would be and of course i enjoyed it, it was the first time i ever touched AvP3. But i don't really enjoy playing online with people i don't know, i preffer LAN games if it has to be multiplayer.

mr_loco, Human, 15 years ago

Death Wraith, I know a few Romanians and one of em buys shit for his computer, but he also DL's shit too. I hardly ever buy shit myself for PC though, but I would consider buying AVP3, that's something that's really worth supporting....

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

Then he is either very young, very old, very stupid or very rich.

Anyway, played a bit through the Alien campain and i like it so far, i like that it's back to how AvP1 was. The controlls may be dodgy for the Alien in multiplayer when you're always in a hurry, but in singleplayer they work just fine.

mr_loco, Human, 15 years ago

He's 28 and he's got money even though he always claims he's broke lol...

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

So he's stupid.

Oh and about AvP3, i was glad to find out that you can still headbite after killing in singleplayer.

Mebber, Human, 15 years ago

You're not playing online? That's surprising me. Assumed you as a multiplayer-guy...

Well i'm not that a fan of multiplayer either. But AvP is just something else. There are exactly three games i've ever liked to play online, StarCraft, MechWarrior and, of course, AvP. AvP is just great online, imo it's worth to spent a few bugs... :-D

Can't talk for AvP3 right now... hope is as good as AvP2...

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

Seriously, forget about AvP2, it's nothing like AvP2, it's like AvP1, it's made by Rebellion, who made AvP1, AvP3 is a sequel to AvP1, not AvP2.

Mebber, Human, 15 years ago

7 times "Avp" in only two lines- respect!

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

Hehe. Well spoiler warning for what i'm about to write.

I just saw a cinematic in which i turned into a queen. I hate. The idea. Of drones. Morphing. Into queens. Seriously. Fuck.

Spoiler end. It's pretty fun, so far i'm loving it, even if the story is developed in a lame manner at least for the alien campain. Fans of the AvP1 movie will probably jizz as soon as they see the first cinematic, i almost had a heart attack :(

TDN, Human, 15 years ago

(Not really spoilers as you see it the moment the campaign starts)

Yeah, I share the same opinion of you on that Pyramid scene. Of all the new things AVP brought that I hated, the whole Pyramid idea (along with the ancient civilization taught by Predators shenanigans) was the worst. Why Rebellion felt the need to put that there I have no idea. On the plus side, at least no human-Predator team up.

Other than that I've been enjoying the game so far. Only managed to play through the first 2 missions of Marines, 1 mission of Predator and some co-op survival (this one's the mode you should definetly try). The game's not without flaws (Alien's AI anyone) but it's fun as hell and that's all that matters.

DeathWraith, Human, 15 years ago

It's a very short game like the original AvP.

Cerrata, Human, 15 years ago

You're finished already? How would you rate it?