alien warriors from aliens

nicholaskang, Undefined, 19 years ago

How come people alway that they went down like canon fodders? Even though they did ppl should still remember dat the marines had a lot of firepower compared to the crew of the nostromo such as:

Nostromo crew weapons:

Marines weapons:
pulse rifle
grenade(in the pulse rifles)
sentry guns

these are a few plz tell me anythin i missed out if i did

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St1mp0, Undefined, 19 years ago

yeah, the marines went down so easily because they had all their ammo taken off them, and were only allowed to use close range weapons!

so, because they had no powerful weapons! they were weaker... also they were ambushed!

so, that mainly why the majority of them died so easily!

nicholaskang, Undefined, 19 years ago

yea the lost 20 mins was defenatly worth the wait

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TDN, Undefined, 19 years ago

True I guess so. I've always had that little feeling that Aliens made them look weaker, well I guess I shouldn't think of it that way. But if you look at it, this is where the statement that "1 Pred can take out 50 Xenos bare hand" came from. People think that since 1 marine could take out 10 or so Xenos and 1 Pred took out a squad of 5 or so marines, that people assume the Preds are way stronger than the Xenos not taking into account the technological advancement from Predator 1 to Aliens. That's why I've alwided with the Drone and the Runner, because they just "seem" more powerful because they were able to takle out many people.

daveberg, Undefined, 19 years ago

Gotta love that special edition......

darkness of acheron

Topdogg, Undefined, 19 years ago

^^ directors cut shows the aliens testin them and eventualy they run out of bullets and then BAMM have that


nicholaskang, Undefined, 19 years ago

oops i 4got and i defenatly will hav the directors cut i hav the quadrilogy

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daveberg, Undefined, 19 years ago