Alien vs predator question

THEENDLESSWAR, Undefined, 19 years ago

I am an alien fan and I am just wondering. Why is it that the scar predator can rip an aliens finger off or catch a chestburster? The reason I am asking this is that if it can rip off a finger just like that and catch a chestburstermwith its bare hands then why cant it just (counting the 2 other preds) rip its tail off or catch the alien tongue and rip it out?

Sorry if this question has already been asked? has it?

Kidd, Undefined, 19 years ago

Yeah, Pretty tough to catch an animals' tongue.

Look around each corner before you move because the chances are, you are not gonna make it.

Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

There is no doubt in my mind that if the pred was fast enough he could easily tear out an aliens inner jaw, but u'd have to have lightning fast reflexes to do it. The big difference is that an adult alien is almost as strong as a pred & can fight back & stop the pred from getting a firm grip on it's inner jaw. A chestburster on the other hand is small & has the strength of an ant compared to a pred, it would be like squashing a bug under your feet


Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Yes,predators must have a certain and focus to catch an object or something and as for the tounge or tail I think the aliens are too fast to do that or the tail is too tightly placed there.

Predators RULE!

Avier7777, Undefined, 19 years ago

A, he can catch a facehigger sure. But an alien headbite happens fast, unless it hisses then BLAMS them. Try this,haveyour friend/dog/cat/animal lick something whatever and try and grab its tounge.

How hard is it?


Only action can overcome fear.

xeno_slayer, Undefined, 19 years ago

cause he's friggen awsome!!!

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

well the predators have to be focus to catch anything.they need it to ba able to use their smart discs and shurikens.and iam sure a predator has a good grip and muscle to ripp a finger off an alien.

Hunt for Honor,Hunt for Glory,Hunt for the Moon