Alien res, why the hate?

Crpl_Hicks, Undefined, 19 years ago

I think that Alien res was good! Sure, it didn't have the charm of the original and the human-alien hybrid was a bit left untold, but, it was better than alien 3 and redemed the series with a plot with twists and a cool underwater scene.

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Stalker, Undefined, 19 years ago

I thought res was ok, it was nowhere near as good as aliens but then again few movies are. The part where I felt that the movie just became stupid & rubbish (& I think that most would agree) was the introduction of the newborn. That piece of bloated white guts should never have been created, it killed the finale of the movie for me


Angus_Alien, Undefined, 19 years ago

All these movies hold a place in my heart, even AVP and Predator 2.

I, for one, think Alien 3 to be one of the best films in the series. A VERY Underrated and quality film.

Alien: Resurrection is okay. Not a good, nor bad film. Just a mindless popcorn flick, much like AVP.

If you ask me, I say it's time everyone stops
b!tching about these films and just appreciate them for what they are and what boundaries they broke through.
We're never going to see another Alien or Aliens. Those films are classics for a reason. Also, CGI is here to stay... that's life.


From the death of innocence...comes the birth...of a legend.

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Angus man, calm down its people's right to
b!tch about stuff over and over and over and over until its beaten bloody and dead and there is not way of saving it...what a way to go...


donut, Undefined, 19 years ago

i dont know why, i actually thought alien 3 ed compared to res, but neither gave me the feeling that alien and aliens gave me...
it just felt sorta cheesy with ripley being half alien and all, its just a weird feeling :/
i dont hate alien res, but i just didnt like it very much, its weird. i liked all the alien movies, but the last 2 ones were a bit eh..

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

Angus_Alien, Undefined, 19 years ago

Relax, I wasn't attempting to take away anyone's rights and I don't need to calm down. I don't need to calm down because that would require me to have been excited first.

I’m sorry if I came off that way, but my tone and point were meant to be relaxed and not harsh.

I am simply giving my honest opinion, that most people judge these films far to harshly. I am of the opinion that all the Alien and Predator chapters are good cinema in one way or another.
Even the poorer films in the series have redeeming qualities that make them worthy of my DVD collection.

Each and every one of these movies are landmarks in Science Fiction cinema, and without them, who knows where we’d be.
That's my point.


From the death of innocence...comes the birth...of a legend.

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

I think why people dislike Res. and alien3 (but alien3 makes up for it) is because in alien and aliens they used guy in suit, but they did it in such a way that it just came out great, and in Res. they used more CGI and less people in suits, and I just think that cheapens the movie also Joss Whedon wrote the script...I HATE THAT GUY


FrozenAlien, Undefined, 19 years ago

lol yeah i think Alien Resurrection was the best of them all(besides ALiens)

The New Born was tight!! :)

- AVP,Alien Vs. Predator
Yay Another Female On the Site

the_doctor, Undefined, 19 years ago

damn that newborrn was ugly, and that damn screaming, i disagree that it is better than alien3, alien 3 was so full of human emotion and depth ressurection was just trying to copy aliens maybe i would like it better if the newborn was scary and didnt scream

are you predator or prey?


Nick_Kang_20, Undefined, 19 years ago

One word why res s... - Screaming


Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

No no angus, I was just joking around, I know you arnt trying to take anyones rights away.


Crpl_Hicks, Undefined, 19 years ago

Dave I KNEW you were going to say that. But, I respect all of your opions as well. Yes, it was a mindless popcorn flick, but who cares? Most movies are, I hate to say it, mindless popcorn flicks.(Mmm, that popcorn was good)

You have just crossed over into an other dimension. One of sound, sight, and mind. You have just crossed over in to..... THE TWILIGHT ZONE!!

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

I totally agree with Dave, at first before I really got the real meaing of alien3 I just thought it was a bad film because of the poorly made alien, but the way they made Ripley like Christ, sacrificing herself to save the others, very good.


daveberg, Undefined, 19 years ago

Alien 3 - directors cut is far superior to alien resurrection and AVP in everyway, alien 3 was a fantastically dark movie, a tale about faith, And was one of Sigourney Weavers best performances as Ripley. A classic movie.

Alien Resurrection failed for me because -

*Ripley just wasn't as hardcore as before.
*The film tried one too many little 'jokey moments'
*The newborn was downright rediculous.
*The cast weren't spectacular.

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