Alien: Killer Instinct?

Crow, Undefined, 18 years ago

Well, I was saving this thread for a rainy day, but since the site is so inactive, I figured I would post this now and try to breathe a little life into the place. Another thread touching base with the predators will also be put up soon.

I've seen all of the Alien movies, and I am relatively familiar with the novels, creatures, and other non-canon creations relating to the xenomorph. From what I have witnessed, it seems that many people view the xenomorphs as engines of destruction.

What I present to all of you is a completely different viewpoint.

The xenomorph, as we know, is an invasive creature. This is true. They create their own life by taking another. This is one of the greatest horror aspects to the xenomorph -- the thought of a chestburster ripping through our rib cage and breaking free to the outside world.

However, what a xenomorph takes to give birth to new life is, from their perspective, what can be assumed to be a lesser being.

We, as people, view other creatures, such as cattle, to be lesser beings. Humans herd cattle and shamelessly kill them for food and other materials. It is simply a predatory manner.

But really, that is all a xenomorph is doing -- killing a lesser being for food and sustenance.

However, they go one step further: They ensure the life of their offspring from that which they take.

It seems to me that the main horror aspect of the xenomorph is based on very little more than a human's fear of no longer being on the top of the food chain. To have the hunter become the hunted.

Many people believe the xenomorph to be a creature of killer instinct. I wholly disagree.

A xenomorph may attack life which it encounters, but they seldom kill that which they can't handle. They are simply foraging for food and potential creatures to bear their brethren.

In fact, it appears that the xenomorph's "killer instinct" is little more than self-defense.

Take, for example, the aggessive manner of the xenomorphs in the film Aliens. At first, they attacked with the drive to gain food and ensure the survival of their species.

However, when the humans retaliated, their goals grew more vicious. No longer did they try to capture, instead they tried to kill. The further the marines dived into their hive, the more violent and assertive their attacks became.

But is such behavior really so questionable? The xenomorphs originally were simply trying to hunt for food and sustenance, just as any other predator.

What pushed the xenomorphs into a more homicidal behavior was two things:

First, their brethren were killed. That behavior is entirely excuseable, especially when you consider how many humans have killed one another for such more petty things, let alone a lesser creature.

The second reason is even more basic: The humans were becoming a threat to their mother, the queen. Any sentient creature will protect their mother from harm, and in this case the human threat was obviously going to kill their queen. The xenomorphs were only doing what was natural.

Some people may object to this line of thinking, but consider this: In Alien Resurrection, when the Newborn is first born, the queen clearly displays the compassion a mother has for her child. Likewise, the queen in Aliens flew into a rage when her eggs and reproductive capabilities were destroyed.

Additionally, the xenomorphs trapped in Alien: Resurrection killed one of their own to escape. However, this choice was not nearly as barbaric as it may sound: They were trapped and being used as specimens for experiments.

It is far more likely that they were terrified and desperate enough to kill one of their own so that the majority of their brethren could escape. If they were as cold and heartless as most people make them out to be, they would have fought one another with little coordination instead of banding together and killing the weakest.

Even the xenomorph queen in AvP, as continuity error-ridden as it was, sacrificed herself to protect her offspring, and then stopped at nothing to kill those responsible for their deaths.

It is blatantly obvious that the xenomorph queen, as well as her offspring, are capable of exhibiting emotions of love and compassion toward one another.

So, the xenomorph really isn't as horrible or terrifying a creature as people make them out to be. Everything they do is out of basic need, survival, and love for one another.

If anything, the humans and yautja whom purposefully hunt down and kill the xenomorphs for little reason or motive are the true monsters here.

And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ
And seem a saint when most I play the devil.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

ahh . i said prioritys... you misunderstood, the priority's lie with their own race.

As a matter of fact Ive been on Alien fan site`s for a more than 5 years now .... and i do remember a time when the idea that the Jockey created the aliens was scorned upon and considered nothing more than a pathetic addition to a comic book trying to stretch the last elements of life out of a dead and buried franchise

Yet Boom , the space jockey theory appears in a novel and its Gospel (Cannon) in other wards any outside information thats at least spat out by fox with a Little persistence can quickly become part of the franchise we all know and love ... Ive watched it happen first hand

lol , my term hardwired was more of a figure of speech Crow not literal , and the Jockeys weren't stupid .... Initially they could superficially control the Aliens actions to the most minimum of effects, But Evolution screwed that up.....

lol i acknowledge what your saying, , Great topic though ..... you forced me to actually think which doesn't happen often, But i still think my definition fit what we already know so much more effectively

lol Oh and it has to be said that your concept of/ if the aliens number 1 priority was survival "then the xenomorph would pose absolutely no challenge" insnt true and in fact you've contradicted yourself. Survival being first and for most would explain the alien eliminating existing threat's

Overall i just think, since we all now accept the idea of the Jockeys creating the race, that aliens are
Not merely an animal trying to defend its Young, continue to expand the population and eliminate all threats

On the other hand if we hadn't settled on the space Jockeys creating the aliens idea , and assumed the aliens were natural, i would stand by your theory

lol Enjoying this convo with ya Crow !!!
\nn/ Alienz \nn/

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Crow, Undefined, 18 years ago


The humans were doing what the xenomorphs did, but with no benefits in mind other than survival. When a xenomorph typically kills, it consumes its prey or uses it as a host for a facehugger. When the humans killed the xenomorphs, they did absolutely nothing with what they had slain.

As the humans were trapped, that manner of self-defense is of course completely understandable. What I thoroughly dislike is how Ripley went up and out of her way to kill the xenomorph queen when she could have just as easily escaped. That, in my opinion, was an unecessary act bent solely upon revenge -- no benefit came from attacking the queen.

Also, Kill, I think you misunderstood my point. Xenomorphs don't just kill as an act of self-defense. I believe they will also do so as a form of revenge (i.e. you kill one of them, they're all going to try to kill you), or, depending on the circumstances, they may do so simply because they need food and no more potential hosts. That aside, they will still go out and hunt, but they wouldn't kill (at least deliberately), as a live organism is much more useful in the hands of a xenomorph hive than a dead one.

And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ
And seem a saint when most I play the devil.

Crow, Undefined, 18 years ago

Hmm...well, there are a few errors with that.

The first and most obvious is that this is referencing many materials which are outside of what would be considered canon. Primarily, it requires the theory that the Space Jockeys created the xenomorphs to be true.

However, that in itself can be argued. If the xenomorphs have priorities "hard-wired" into their basic drives, then that completely conflicts with the death of the Space Jockey in the original Alien.

It was clearly chestbursted and killed, and I highly doubt that the Space Jockeys would actually do something foolish enough to biologically engineer a creature with so many commands that violate a natural behavior and not take the extra measures to instinctually prevent the xenomorphs from killing their creators.

It is much easier to work in the theory that the xenomorphs do what they do based on their own instinct and desire than some sort of bioenginnered "law" in their genes which they must follow.

Also, if survival was second to none for a xenomorph, then the xenomorph would pose absolutely no challege. It is the xenomorph's resiliency to all elements and outside conditions, as well as it's drive to live, which makes it the threat which it is.

The xenomorphs never truly go out of their way to kill. They remove any threats which are near their hive or the queen, and they kill/incapacitate those who pose a threat to them or fall under the category of potential prey.

The xenomorph in Alien was "killing" to create facehuggers, as we witnessed in the deleted scenes. Even without the deleted scenes, and explanation can be provided: a xenomorph needs to feed.

And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ
And seem a saint when most I play the devil.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

lol i refuse to believe that theory, As a comic/movie fan who's read every issue every released and a person who worships the alien movies but is prepared to accept other forms of information as possible truth..... The alien race was designed to Kill..... every aspect of their biological structure was carefully thought out by the Jockeys to ensure the most ville deadly weapon was created that would in turn bring about the desecration of all other races that stood in defiance of the the Jockeys galactic empire .

Its quit simply their brutal nature and is what makes the aliens so pure, Survival comes second to none. Aliens are clearly independent and capable of making their own decisions, however priority's are hardwired into the system and these are followed with unbelievable consistency.

Some of the points you present are true. But their just perspective`s that can easily be fought

In my opinion the aliens quit clearly deviate out of their own way to kill. take for example the ALIEN`s first kill in Alien .when the alien majestically crucifix-dive-bombs (Great Scene)down using those chains to take the Kill

Theres a similar scene in alien 3

lol \nn/ Alienz Rule \nn/

lol in terms of all of us consuming organisims to live ..... lol thats life, dont think we needed an avp topic for that ;)

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Liquid GFX:Graphics central of the Universe;)

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

lol good point there nostromo

if there was an alien running at me and someone pressed a 16mm in my palm i wouldnt think twice about pulling the trigger and wouldnt feel bad when it was floored with a few bullet holes in the head ..... kill or be killed n all that

But as i said before i refuse to believe that a creature created to end civilisations merely tries to get by and only ever defend itself

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Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

lol yeah , i gathered that .. cheers though

hehe i was just wondering why he thought that ..... its quit self explanitory

none the less if it wasnt for his mistake that great topic wouldnt have elaberated as much as it did


"pointed out in a more..."sensitive" manner." lol fair enough , it just never occured to me that someone would make that mistake , hope you werent offended

anways enjoy the rest of the topic, il keep reading , but i stand strong with my commments

and have huge respect for the comics which i enjoyed so much when i was younger

\nn/ Laterz gangsters

sigh, dave, were the hell were ya mate ..... lmfao

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Liquid GFX:Graphics central of the Universe;)

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

lol gota get in the zone D

and Crow , not to worry i fully understand what your trying to say... i again just dont really agree

You say the humans did nothing with the aliens they had just killed and that the only benifit they gane is servival...... Lol is their a greater benifit ? i certainly think not

As for going after newt and slugging the queen and a few warriors .. in my opinion , yet again . thats just a reply in accordance to survival, let us not forget Ripley was immune to alien attacks whilst she was standing by the eggs , yet if shed walked away the warriors wiould have went for her ..... she had to kill them and then leave

As for then attacking the queen when she clearly could have just left with newt and actually avoided a later comfrontation with the queen lol i guees thats just the completion of another secen prior to the event ( remember when Hicks hand her the pulserifle and she requests that he show her how to use everything, even the pulse gernades, it would have been stupid to have a scene that ammounts to nothing if we didnt get to see her in action with that badass pulsGernade cannon ...... also its the reason we got to see the scene on the ship with the queen vs riplay as the queen left the now useless eggsack ... lol dosent alwayts have to be alien logic behind it, J.Cameron has to think of ways to prosses those kick ass results

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Crow, Undefined, 18 years ago

It was a mistake on my part -- I assumed that if something has no priority, or "none", then "second to none" would mean that it would be the last thing which it would do -- in short, what Mishmuf said.

But let's try to stay on topic, and I would appreciate it if my future errors would be pointed out in a more..."sensitive" manner.


To me, it is much less of a stretch to assume that the xenomorphs are advanced organisms which naturally occurred through evolution than bio-engineered weapon which, in some strange twist of fate, managed to successfully and spontaneously evolve on a large enough of a scale to break free from the Space Jockey's control but still retain their other unnatural behaviors.

As I've said before, the latter of the two leaves much less room for the imagination, and even less to build upon.

And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ
And seem a saint when most I play the devil.

Mishmuf, Undefined, 18 years ago

I think he thought that second to none means that survival was less important than nothingness, if that clears anything up.

Mishmuf_02.jpg *sigh* If only I was witty enough to think of something to say here.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Lmfao, i didnt mean that anything Fox produces is cannon, i said anything that fox produces has the ptential to be cannon with persistance

Lol the term second to none means first priority
Say it and think about, it comes in second to nothing, aka it always first

haha which is bloody ironic because we actually agree ... lol stupid mistake though crow
How do you get least important out of second to none?

Universal Affliction: The best site on the Web ;)
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daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

Grrr, i love this debate right now, i've got to apologise guys, my mid isn't quite in it yet, sorry about the lack of participation.

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Crow, Undefined, 18 years ago

Thank you, Donut :3

To my knowledge, all literary materials (Gospel included) are not considered canon. Just because Fox backed the publishing does not mean what the author wrote is true nore plausible.

As far as I'm concerned, the movies are the only canon source of information, and since the xenomorph's behavior has remained consistent throughout the films, even after having their genetic code tainted with human DNA, it seems more likely that they have a very similiar array of emotions and behaviors amongst themselves.

Also, I was not arguing against survival being one of their primary concerns, typically the term "second to none" means to me that it is one of the least exercised actions. That was my point -- without a survival drive, the xenomorphs would not be a successful species.

However, stating that that is all they are capable of exercising is also very shallow. It leaves little to the imagination, and even less room for posibility. I would rather think that xenomorphs are capable of much more advanced behaviors than people give them credit for.

After all, following your theory, if their own evolution screwed up the intitial behavior encoding which the Space Jockeys endowed them with, than who is to say that everything else which held their "brutal nature" also deteriorated?

We have clearly seen them communicate, exhibit emotions, and peacefully interact with one another. That is in the movies, and that is canon. We have also seen many other organisms do the same.

And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ
And seem a saint when most I play the devil.

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

Lol of course Doc D , but this wasent about rite or wrong .... was just an enjoyable topic with two Die hard alien fans in particular expressing different opinions lmao

sigh, no piece keepers required

Universal Affliction: The best site on the Web ;)
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donut, Undefined, 18 years ago

lol kill, the space jockeys creating the aliens is an accepted theory, but we dont know if its true XD alot of the members on the site are sticking to the natural theory, and some with the space jockey theory, so really both of you are not wrong, because we still dont know for sure which theory is correct XD

~i draw is delicious~
~first female on teh site! w00t w00t!~

nostromo, Undefined, 18 years ago

crow, didnt u say that the humans were "monsters" for killing aliens in the movie aliens? the humans were doing what the aliens do. they went to that planet to save there own kind, not to slaugter aliens. they brought the guns with them because of ripleys story and they were using them for self defense. they tried to go away, but the xenos were runnin around all over the place, and 1 killed the pilots of the apc.
EDIT:o yeah, congrats on this topic. really interesting

Unknown, Undefined, 18 years ago

lol yeah Great topic indeed ....

lol yeah , when ever im on here ive always got the extra tab on for Liquid GFX

Universal Affliction: The best site on the Web ;)
Liquid GFX:Graphics central of the Universe;)

daveberg, Undefined, 18 years ago

Answer? = Liquid.

Sorry, my normal outspoken comments on aliens have been in hiding for some time since this site went into 'hibernation' so to speak, i'm sure i'll get my groove back on soon, as i actually enjoyed reading this topic, there's a few others at the mo which have pulled my attention strings too which is a good sign.

Keep it up lads.

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shadowatching, Undefined, 18 years ago

stalker may dissagree with me but i think that humans, and yautja's are killing aliens to make sure that they dnt go out of control look at predatoress area she lives in finland and the hunters there are killing the wolves which makes the moose's there grow in number just like the moose that is growing in number the yautja's are doing the same as the hunters making sure that aliens dnt over populate. but i know where u are comming from aliens seem more scary to people that dnt understand or fear the unusual then yautja's,



Crow, Undefined, 18 years ago

I can immediately point out that neither humans nor yautja are killing xenomorphs to limit their numbers.

The yautja hunt and kill xenomorphs as part of their sacred rituals. AvP is proof enough of that. If they were trying to limit the xenomorph population, then they wouldn't go through the effort of freezing and reviving queens within their shrines for special occasions. If anything, this act shows that they have hunted the xenomorphs to the point where they are having a difficult enough time locating xenomorphs that they need to keep their own private stock. Furthermore, the yautja have no need to limit the xenomorph population because they are capable of space travel.

And you can't even begin to say that humans kill the xenomorphs to keep their numbers under control -- the humans have barely ever even encountered the xenomorphs, let alone faced any amount reaching into the triple digits.

And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ
And seem a saint when most I play the devil.

shadowatching, Undefined, 18 years ago

out of all alien/ yautja movies that is the only movie that i did not think that showed yautja's in worse light then they really are.
