17 years ago
Great... Jeanne...
I can`t belive it...
Did you just... contradict me??
Well then, can you explain to me how exactely you would intend to to intimidate someone without impressing him??? OMFG!! WAIT!!! You can`t do that, because "to impress", which means "to induce an impression", actually includes "to intimidate", which means "to induce an impression of clear advantage over your adversary(s)", and since a gun CAN be used to intimidate, it can therefore be used to impress people. Also, in a community where people like guns, a more efficient or better looking gun could impress the majority. You don`t really need to be Marcus Tulius Cicero to convince someone that guns can impress people!
And another thing, guns don`t have intentions!! Ha there, i uselessly contradicted you back. Now try not to do that again...