Alien 5 Teaser

jerrylousalem, Undefined, 17 years ago

Pretty cool. I like the Aliens being smarter and able to fire weapons. Neat that they have armor. Not sure what this is. Someone sent a friend of mine this link. Seems very mysterious. The visuals really grab you.

delta-boy, Undefined, 17 years ago

first what are u on about,if their is an alien5 teaser trailer please show me the link,oh and for you saying firing weapons and wearing body-armour.WHAT ARE U ON ABOUT!!!!!

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

not... even worth... posting in...

wait.. i just posted...

Well anyway, there`s no such thing as an alien 5, also aliens with guns and armor is crap.

jerrylousalem, Undefined, 17 years ago

Why are armor and guns not possible? The company always wanted to get the aliens for something. And the Xeno dna was clearly easy to manipulate. It's corporate evolution. Just because you don't like the direction of something, doesn't make it impossible. How about crap you thought would never happen in an alien movie, but sucked? Like the new born. Give me machine gun wielding Xenomorphs any day,.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

Possible? Yes. Wanted? Do I even need to answer that?...

jerrylousalem, Undefined, 17 years ago

I would love to see a new Alien movie set in the FUTURE that didn't suck. I think that it's probably one of the richest sci-fi mythologies that has ever come along and it just reeked after the second one. Leaving this at Resurrection? than that's just sad.

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Yeah, I'd vomit if an Alien movie had Aliens using guns. Wtf? Watch the first Alien movie and pay attention to the Alien.. then you'll understand why.

jerrylousalem, Undefined, 17 years ago

Again - vomiting over alien films is relative. I think what I saw said something like "last thing we expect, the alien grabs a gun" I think it's supposed to be unexpected and throw you off. Look at the link above and you'll see.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

Most people here have that new thing everyone`s not so hyped about called good taste. Damn, i`d even go so far as to say some of us understand common sense! Thatt`s why most of the people here... don`t like xenomorphs with guns.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

Same deal as the 'lightsaber wristblades' idea many Youtubers come up with...

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Holey crap! Are you serious? I almost vomitted again.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

I don't blame you... It's a pretty stupid idea. I mean, Starwars tries its best keeping the acclaimed laser swords as serious as they can be. It loses that seriousness if put anywhere else unless done right, I think.

ErdeKaiser, Undefined, 17 years ago

well, i would suspect if you let the Xenos have a hive for a long while and the keep gaining knowledge as fast as they do, they would eventually learn how to pick up a gun and use it circumstances(ex:queen uses the elevator in Aliens). but of course, this would probably not make a good movie.

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

I myself don`t expect xenomorphs to ever think that they will need guns. I think it`s very unconfortable for them to use their arms very precisely, seing how in Alien Res the alien would rather use his jaw than his hand to press the button, they are not built for such a lifestyle. They also don`t seem to have a deffinition of right and wrong, they only survive, they do what`s best for the queen and then for the majority of the rest of the hive, they don`t have reputations to stand up to, they don`t need to impress anyone, nothing that a gun could be used for. So i don`t think a xenomorph would ever pick up a gun, it`s very unlikely for him to see it as useful in any way. He would probabli just drool on the weapon.

ErdeKaiser, Undefined, 17 years ago

a gun isn't used to impress people, its intention is to kill, and no other. If Xenos got smart enough to use guns, they could most more effectively defend the queen and the like. wouldnt be as interesting, but it could happen. but, im glad the concept would never make it into the movies

DeathWraith, Undefined, 17 years ago

Great... Jeanne...

I can`t belive it...

Did you just... contradict me??

Well then, can you explain to me how exactely you would intend to to intimidate someone without impressing him??? OMFG!! WAIT!!! You can`t do that, because "to impress", which means "to induce an impression", actually includes "to intimidate", which means "to induce an impression of clear advantage over your adversary(s)", and since a gun CAN be used to intimidate, it can therefore be used to impress people. Also, in a community where people like guns, a more efficient or better looking gun could impress the majority. You don`t really need to be Marcus Tulius Cicero to convince someone that guns can impress people!

And another thing, guns don`t have intentions!! Ha there, i uselessly contradicted you back. Now try not to do that again...

predatoress, Undefined, 17 years ago

Aliens ARE weapons. They are beasts. Intelligent, yes, and in my eyes they don't need any stupid weapons when they can kill you within an eyeflick even you would have weapons for a small army. I just think it would be plain stupid if they would be like "ho-HOOO I found a bazooka!" when the actual horror comes from the contact you have with these creatures.

The-Wolf, Undefined, 17 years ago

Lol exactly. Theres NO way an Alien would intend to use a gun. They're animals unlike human and Predators. The greatest thing was Predators use weapons and Aliens are weapons.

jerrylousalem, Undefined, 17 years ago

i read the snippet again. it looks like the alien is being remote guided, like a trained animal. it grabs a gun from a gaurd and just unloads. i don't think gusn are "stanadard issue" obviously whoever wasa controlling it made it do that. than it breaks someone out of a chryo prison.

i'm thinking, that if the company ever got the alien, this is exactly what they would do. make it "controllable" and make it be somewhat articulate and give it some armor to protect itself. in the end, this probably turns out to be bullshit, becuase the alien is somethng that can't be controlled and it turns. it turns and is a aworse threat then ever becuasae now it's smarter and articulate.

-Bloo-, Undefined, 17 years ago

Well, even though the Aliens are still holding guns, that's a relief.

As for which one scares me more, I'd have to say Aliens. But Predators do seem a lot "cooler" to me only because of their unique design.
I'm afraid I can't call the Alien's design unique anymore, as it has been poorly copied in many other movies.
I don't really recall any movies where the rip-off design of the creature is easily noticeable to have been inspired by the Predator.