BladeWing, Undefined, 20 years ago

we all see how celtic's wristblades melted when he cut the tail of grid. but when car use the shurikens, they dont melted, like when alex take the Scar spear and kill (that doesnt count, the alien jump to the point of the spear, SHE MUST DIE)the aliien that was infront of her, well we know that the aliens blood can melt metal, and some weapons made of alien bone can't be melted, but that weapons looks and shine like metal, an movie error, im wrong, or there is another material that cant be melted and the pred use it?

BladeWing, Undefined, 20 years ago

so as conclusion we can say the preators weapons will improve as they survive the rites, as first acidproof weapons, they recive a dagger, a shuriken and a spear, and then they will continue upgrading the weapons until they win they right of the use of alien bone wirstblades

Topdogg, Undefined, 20 years ago

the funny thing is once they have earned the right they can then hunt humans like the preds in pred 1 and 2, id be 100 time more scared of alien than human lol


daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

yeah i dont quite understand that. although, as a rule, the hunters must go in clans to battle the aliens, whereas they can hunt on their own when after humans. fickle creatures these preds...


darkness of acheron

Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

Nah there was just an error in AVP of how the "Yautja's" wristblade melted. Probably the creators just felt like it. In another scene the last Yautja's blade didn't melt slashing the head apart with his wristblade, of the Xenomorph that was creeping behind him. In other words, that Xenomorph was his first kill.


Topdogg, Undefined, 20 years ago

when there full blooded they get disc the reason they have to wait for this as it takes such skill in cathing the disc when it comes back so ye they have to prove them selves


Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

And don't say there is no blood in the Xenomorphs head.


daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

y'know what, i actually think the shurikens were better than the disks, dont mind me, i have a slight fetish for knives and blades (i've got a 20 inch butchers knife as seen in hallween H20 hanging above my bed, plus tons of other weapons. boys and toys huh.)


darkness of acheron

daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

thats pretty much the theory bladewing, yeah.


darkness of acheron

Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

So that useless theory about the wristblade is undoubtely wrong and foolish, but I can understand if someone hasn't watched the movie yet.


daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

get the novel, i've got it with me at work now, i'll try and find the passage describing the pred weapons and the whole bone thing.....


darkness of acheron

Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

So now you are saying the Yautjas in the movie has Xenomorph bone wristblades?


Topdogg, Undefined, 20 years ago

na xeno it was the shiriken or waht ever its called if u watch when he through;'s it through the face hugger he then catches it then does the alien up good and proper


Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

I've watched AVP 3x and I observed most events that occured in it, but however, I'll watch it again.


daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

the predators are only equiped with bone wristblades on completion of their 'rites of passage' hence elders having them. the predators must fight the xenomorphs with next to no weapons to become blooded hunters. oh and listen xeno, no theory is useless or foolish geeza, no-one here has the correct facts, we all go on specualtion, we all have our own opinions and small facts of our own, if you want people to take to you on this board you've got to ease up on calling people fools, not gonna win you any fans.


darkness of acheron

Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

Which one is scar and which one is celtic.


Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

Yeah and if it was the disc blade, I don't think it can slice 2x, in one time.


Xenomorphose, Undefined, 20 years ago

I still remember that very part when, the Yautja unleashed his wristblade backwards and slash the head of the Xenomorph behind him.


daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

no, wasnt his wristblade, was a shuriken.


darkness of acheron

Topdogg, Undefined, 20 years ago

hmm didnt see that part only when celtic cut through the aliens leg then melted or the part whenscar cut through the aliens head BUT with his shirikin or what ever its called not the wristblade


daveberg, Undefined, 20 years ago

no xeno got killed with wristblades. the only time they were used on a xeno was when celtic pred slashed grid aliens tail in half.

scar used his shuriken to slash a facehugger in half, after that, a xeno creeps up on him from behind and he cuts its head in half.

thats as much as i recall, rest of the kills were via the plasma caster.


darkness of acheron