Had my first guitar lesson yesterday, that was interesting.
In other news, I was listening to the soundtrack from the first Hobbit film, and the soundtrack differs from what you hear in the film in one song(I haven't noticed it in others.) This was quite annoying to me. The only difference between the version I own and the version in the movie is, that the version I have cuts off right when the music hits the climax and that goes all epic make your skin get goose bumps. The song is "Brass Buttons" btw.
I mean, wtf? It kind of ruins the song if it is all build up with nothing at the end of the rainbow for you enjoy(beat those little shits, the gold is yours by right of conquest!)
Hope everyone had an awesome holiday season this year.
EDIT: I just watched Dawn of the planets of the Apes. Holy fucking shit, I loved it. It totally reminded me why I wanted to work with Primates when I was younger.