skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

The "Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum" kind of pirate badapple.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 10 years ago

@DW: I like that. Not just 'cause of the video (but that was cool, too).

DarkLioness, Yautja, 10 years ago


Find me the Kraken please?

Blizzard, Yautja, 10 years ago

I just saw the newest Riddick movie much better than I thought it was going to be
what did everyone else think of it ?

concretehunter, Yautja, 10 years ago

So i found out i have an incredible capacity for drinking beer.

8 beers, Not drunk.

Blizzard, Yautja, 10 years ago

WOW that is brewlliant !

badapple24, Yautja, 10 years ago

*Shoots Blizzard* NO, NO YOU DIDN'T

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

My dad is like a beer sponge, I've seen him drink twelves beers over an hour and a half and not be drunk. He likes him some beer.

Blizzard, Yautja, 10 years ago

your dad should beerhave

skull_ripper, Yautja, 10 years ago

There was a bear on my porch today, this is not fucking cool

Here is the video of it in my driveway, the voices(if you even hear mine) are my Mom's and my own.

But seriously, the fucker came up on my porch, stole my brothers lunchbox and tore it apart, scared one of our cats off and just walked off like it wasn't a big deal! It was a very large male Black Bear, but it is way too skinny for its size which means it is dangerous since it needs food due to being under weight.

So yeah, a bear was on my porch today.

@Blizzard: Lol.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

Thanks for the face you made me make when I saw that someone uploads video to photobucket in 2014.

Here's an artist's interpretation:


Deathdrop, Yautja, 10 years ago

@Skullriper: Maybe you just need to move somewhere where all the wildlife isn't trying to kill you.

Blizzard, Yautja, 10 years ago

Or at least get a bigger gun
maybe a bigger fence ?

DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

Or maybe wash your penis so it doesn't smell like dead animals.

tawganator, Yautja, 10 years ago

Boy do I know when to walk in on a thread.

badapple24, Yautja, 10 years ago


Blizzard, Yautja, 10 years ago

@deathwraith is that the voice of experience ?

badapple24, Yautja, 10 years ago

Jebus christ, Get posting at the RPG Blizzard. Soo much has happened and ma charrie is stuck

The-Wolf, Yautja, 10 years ago

Its been a very long time..

DeathWraith, Yautja, 10 years ago

@Blizzard yeah I was the bear

EDIT: Are you shitting me, Bloo mentions Cory and Cory comes back? This can't be a coincidence. The only explanation is that Bloo has the power to summon all the Corys in the world.