I didn't realize my post would do that... oops.... Well I edited it anyway so that page is normal again.
@DW: And as to not derail the "A Simple Request" Thread, I will say what I have to say here. DW, That's not how I meant it, I was just making a point. I don't do "snide tones", those just piss me off. I don't go on the internet to troll people, or yell at people, or be a douche. I go on the internet to talk to people civilly or to watch Klingons riding cats on Youtube, that's pretty much it.
So if you think I am being an ass, or annoying, it isn't on purpose or intended that way unless I say "hey, I'm trying to be an annoying twat and ruin your day, lololololol". If I do ever say that besides clearing this up, please shoot or otherwise prevent me from continuing my existence. So I guess my point is, I didn't mean to offend you, and I am sorry that I did.