DeathWraith, Yautja, 11 years ago

Why are Americans making such a big deal out of this government shutdown? Because the president is black?

Rampage, Yautja, 11 years ago

That's the US government for ya. They act like they care about the people in the military and they act like they care about civilians. Truth be told they could give a rat's ass about any of us, we're just slaves to them. Nameless, facelss and expendable.


Some people are trying to make it a race thing which is stupid. The reason everyone is making such a big deal out if it is because the economy is still pretty shitty out here. With the shutdown it's gonna get worse because there are people that won't be getting paid, national parks are closed(more people not getting paid) and people are being furloughed. That's what the big deal is, we're just tired of the government acting like a bunch of fucking brats in a sandbox.

Hunter_Predator, Yautja, 11 years ago

Idk, up in Canada we do it almost every year because of the free healthcare.


And you're not wrong, you're all just a social security number. It sucks I know, but thats the cold world, it sucks.

And DarkLioness, thanks for noticing ;)

but yeah the US Government needs to get their shit together.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 11 years ago

Apparently there's a guy in the government called Dick Swett, so there's that.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 11 years ago


That's another thing though, the Affordable Healthcare Act is now in effect so this shutdown was for nothing. Just the typical whinny partisan crap I've come to expect from the politicians in this country, they will bitch and complain about every little thing but when it comes to listening to the citizens our pleas fall on deaf ears. But alas, I've come to expect that. That a sad statement on the US political system ain't it?

And don't get me started on that failure known as the Tea Party, the Republicans don't even like them anymore!


To answer your second question: Yeah, we still have people in this country that act like.

Hunter_Predator, Yautja, 11 years ago

Young people who are into it... I'm loving this...


Talk about it being for nothing, the USgov has done MORE than enough BS for nothing... some people need to seriously get their heads out of their asses...

and I'm not saying it's all Obama's fault I'm smart enough to know it's not, he's more or less the fall guy for most of it, but as for my general political views... I'm remaining silent on this I guess...

skull_ripper, Yautja, 11 years ago

God, I love playing a Tauren, pass the peace pipe man.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 11 years ago


Telling a politician is pull their head out of their is like trying to talk a half-starved Hyena out of eating you. I'm not a fan of Obama but same as you, I don't blame him for everything that goes wrong. I don't really keep up with politics that much anymore but I keep a close eye on things that could effect me. But this latest fiasco is the very definition of the word immature.

Now I'm gonna calm down

Rampage, Yautja, 11 years ago

I guess the politcians have nothing better to do, all I ask is that they don't fuck with my life in the process of entertaining themselves!

I don't even think I'm gonna vote next year, I might but then again I might not.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 11 years ago

@DW: We are freaking out about it because it's effecting our lives profoundly, if it were happening where you live wouldn't you have something to say?

-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

One of my favorite things about the shutdown (something I didn't think I'd ever say) is the sudden unification of the people - or, more specifically, the jokes everyone's coming up with.

"Unlike Congress, I'd approve of you before midnight."

Deathdrop, Yautja, 11 years ago

At the very least, we'll be rid of most of these clowns come next election.

DarkLioness, Yautja, 11 years ago

^That's something I actually look forward to :)

skull_ripper, Yautja, 11 years ago

What's him being Romanian have to do with what I said DD?

Edit: No seriously, is something happening in Romania that I don't know about?

Deathdrop, Yautja, 11 years ago

Stuff has happened a wee bit more disruptive than government shutdown. There was a violent revolution less than 30 years ago. I don't pretend to be an expert, but Romania has seen some shit. Our government shutdown, while disruptive and asinine, really can't compare.

I'm not saying it isn't fucked up, but let's keep things in perspective.

skull_ripper, Yautja, 11 years ago

I meant in the here and now, but yeah, it isn't the end of the world, just kind of freaky.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 11 years ago

I'm putting this Government Shutdown in with the same bin as Kony 2012 and, well... 2012.

Wait, maybe Kony's behind all this!!

ultimate-xeno, Yautja, 11 years ago

Who's kony?

Waralien, Yautja, 11 years ago

Probably one of the most trending topics during 2012-2013 for a number of reasons.

Hunter_Predator, Yautja, 11 years ago

Kony is a long story I know at least I don't feel like dealing with hearing about right now.

@ DL

It's good to keep an eye on things directly affecting you, but I don't blame you for losing your following of Politics, the people who follow them too closely are usually the ones that seemingly don't know what they're talking about. The Politicians themselves know the least because they're so deep into it.

But yeah, follow enough to know, just don't let it get in the way of day-to-day life.