11 years ago
@SR: Definitely buy a tablet for computer if you want to seriously draw. I mean, iPads aren't bad - everything you've seen me do so far was done on an iPad (minus the coloring), but if I had the choice, I would have started with a Wacom or something.
@DL: I have a Sony VAIO from about a year ago and PS CS5 runs fine on it. You don't have to worry much about specs, but a monitor with good color is a must because this laptop makes everything seem pale, so I usually hook up an LG monitor to it (it never leaves home anyway).
I only use it for simple graphics (like sigs), photo manipulations, and coloring sketches, but it has so much more potential than that. You can make .gif images, animations, magazine layouts, website themes, etc. Basically anything that requires designing.
Photoshop is probably most well known for its ability to create completely new images from several of them (in the right hands) as if the final products were natural photos; this is that photo manipulation I mentioned earlier.
Maybe someone like Dave, Pv2 or Angus could give you a better description of it, because I really don't use PS to its maximum potential. There are also other Adobe products that people use in conjunction with PS to create professional-looking works of art, like Adobe Premier or After Effects.