11 years ago
Edit: FutureBloo: You should be, DD #1. It was terrifying, even to me. Apparently he converted his Family Portrait project of the site's members into a smut convention. There was more than Predator-on-Predator; Xeno on human, human on Predator... He (I) was such a sick fuck. I am so sorry for what is about to happen.
Edit: Hey, fuck you. You think you know everything?
Edit: FutureBloo: I'M. FROM. THE. FUTURE.
Edited by FutureFutureBloo: Guys (which is to say, me), it's alright. I've stopped PastPastBloo from ever thinking about this in the first place.
Edit: FutureBloo: How do we do that?
Edit: FFBloo: I saw the Bad Path laid out. A man with a drawing tablet and without morals. A mod and his clones terrorized by the Fish-Whore. Randy Savage. Zalgo comes because of PresentBloo's potential bullshit. Zalgo actually fucking comes this time. The Crab. Is. Dead. The Scrolls never went past that point. And so... I changed it.
Edit: That's weird, my last few posts look blank. Does anyone else see anything? Huh.