What Pv2 said was this:
Find a busy and colourful picture for background, use Ripple and Splatter on it a few times, make three different layers of different but simmilar dimensions of your character, place them on top of eachother with the biggest one at the bottom and the smallest one at the top, change the blending mode of the two bigger ones to Multiply, take the eraser tool (or whatever it's called) and set it to a big-ass size (about as big as the head of the character you're using), 0 hardness, 60% flow, about 40% opacity and erase with the edge of it the edges of your character until it blends in with the layer below, then take the brush tool, make it about big enough that it covers the whole sig, 0 hardness, 60% opacity, 60% flow, i don't remember if it was soft light or anything but that's not so important, make it white and click one corner a few times until it looks good, then make it black and click the opposite corner a few times until it looks good (not necessarily in that order), then make a new layer, go to Image>Apply Image, then add a photo filter and choose a colour that looks good, then double click the layer, go to stroke, make it 1 pixel and on the inside.