-Bloo-, Yautja, 15 years ago

I think that may be right. First, because we never see Celtic go into cloaking after his armour is ripped off. Second, because Predator's the Pred expert, not me.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

dont look at me if it wasnt for that grid alien we might have know.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

how do predators have cubs?

concretehunter, Yautja, 15 years ago

THEY DONT THEY HAVE BABIES. CUBS ARE FELINE. now please dont ask dumb questions

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

so how do they reproduce if they didnt then there species will die out very quickly.nevermind.are predators cappable of adatping to there enivoriment very quickly?this is probaly another dumb question again isnt it.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 15 years ago

Felines are predators too...

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

excatly right so do predators have cubs(babies)like humans or just like normal animals they mate.

concretehunter, Yautja, 15 years ago

OKEY right cubs are feline (Cats) so don't refer to them like it. second they have sex... yes they have sex. maybe their organs are different but they have sex. not for pleasure thought. OK

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

ok but like normal animals they can mate u not every creature on this planet have sex have u ever seen animal sex before no(well it looked like two birds were doing it in our town centre and dont ask)so ,maybe they mate instead of having sex. right lets shut up about sex some of us here are too young to know.

concretehunter, Yautja, 15 years ago

DUDE THE WORD MATE MEANS SEX if animals mate they have sex EG penis in a vagina thats how mamals work

Oh and i know way more than you about animals mating i have 2 dogs that have had 24 puppies together. they have had 4 litters. i know way more than you

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

i know wht sex is now if u flamin say another word about sex i swear that ur obssessed with it(this goes to everyone no sex in my topics if u want to talk about sex then make a topic about it)concrete where u lookin when ur dogs had u know wht?(im crap at animals so i'll take ur answer as a right answer.)

-Bloo-, Yautja, 15 years ago

"DUDE THE WORD MATE MEANS SEX if animals mate they have sex EG penis in a vagina thats how mamals work

Oh and i know way more than you about animals mating i have 2 dogs that have had 24 puppies together. they have had 4 litters. i know way more than you"
“i know wht sex is now if u flamin say another word about sex i swear that ur obssessed with it(this goes to everyone no sex in my topics if u want to talk about sex then make a topic about it)concrete where u lookin when ur dogs had u know wht?(im crap at animals so i'll take ur answer as a right answer.)â€Â

In other news, I have a duck that rammed a squirrel and they had babies, so I must know more than you all.

In all seriousness, Predators do have children by mating, they aren't ASexual like Aliens. Let's be a little mature here. I'm sure no one here has any problem with people using the word 'sex'. I, in fact, see and hear the word almost every day.

I understand some people here are kids, but a lot of us are in high school and/or much older than that.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

true but can we move on from that question before i have loads of pages on sex.

Would predators be able to build weaponry from there eneviroment(hunting enviroment)?

concretehunter, Yautja, 15 years ago

*slaps head* OKEY a enviroment is the planet and the nature of the planet, to make a weapon out of the enviroment would be imposible. *sigh* please thin befor you ask

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

no im meaming can they make a weapon out of whats in enviroment(wood etc,etc.)

concretehunter, Yautja, 15 years ago

yes... they can

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

i'll try to make sense in the furture.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 15 years ago

Concrete, woosah for a minute, will you? He's not a crack-addicted kindergartener. You're acting like his questions will be the end of us all.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 15 years ago

thank you bloo oh and i emailed pv2 about some questions.
1.the cloak will work but if the damege is minor.
2.predators do have mating rituals: I would think that the strongest male with the most battle experience gets to breed with the best and most females, thus spreading those strong genes.

concretehunter, Yautja, 15 years ago

YAY 100th post. anyway i never said they dident have a ruitial i just said the way they mate is the same.