BLOODLINES SERIES General Information/Talk of the Books

K20A2, Undefined, 19 years ago

Series Name:

Book 1
Gateway of Beginnings

Book 2

Mind of the Alpha

Book 3

Shadow Serpents:
Unseen Horrors

Book 4
Alpha Draconis:
Sub title pending

Book 5

Hunter's Moon:
Red Moon Rises (formally Pale Blue Moon)

Book 6

For Blood and Honor

Book 7

In the end...

these are the books final titles let me know if you would like any alterations and I will consider it and make the appropriate changes, here is the description of each book thanks and also let me know what you think of them.

Book 1- Genesis: Gateway of Beginnings

Book 1 will be the opening scene for all of the arrivals of the clan. This is where we will introduce each clan and the members. But we will only scratch the surface of the history and how they have come to where they are. It will also set up the battle that will take place in the last book, but not to worry there will be battles and the beginning of the last battle will start at the end of the book.

Book 2- Hive: Mind of the Alpha

Book 2 will go deep into the world of the Hive (the clan the Hive that is) it will take a look at its history in general and it will give details of each member that wants to be included in the book. How The Hive rose to power as the most dominant Hive in the galaxy. And the brutal and cunning leadership of daveberg and his commanders. How they absorbed each and every other Hive they encountered or destroyed the weakling ones in their path. Also each battle that will take place on the present planet ZX2(that is with the approval of the mods and the other members. Each Xeno will be given a detailed history of their birth and their kills how they achieved their rank and so on. This book will end with a summary of the battles and a individual account of each fight each member has on the planet ZX2.

Book 3- Shadow Serpents: Unseen Horrors

Book 3 will be interesting to say the least. It is the tale of a bunch of outcast Xenos and how their struggling clan(hive) is on the brink of destruction, and their ascension to glory and a murderous power within the galaxy. How the other Xenos drove them away and how they came back with power to rival the other Xenomorph hives, and their uneasy but important alliance with The Hive (davebergs clan). Again they will receive the same treatment with the history and detailed description of each member ending with their battles on the planet ZX2.

Book 4-Alpha Draconis: subtitle pending

Book 5- Hunter's Moon: Red Moon Rises (Name changed from Pale Blue Moon)

Book 5 will give a detailed account of Deathdrop and his ilk and this will be the introduction of the rogue Predators. They will be mentioned and only mentioned in the other books to keep them in the shadows kinda like figments of your imagination. This will tell the story of Deathdrops glorious raise to power and various battles with the Rogue factions. Account for also the many times Hunter's Moon battles the infamous The Hive (davebergs clan). Again they will get the same treatment the other clan books got history, detailed character analysis, etc.

Book 6- Balatu: For Blood and Honor

Book 6 is the sad and tragic story of K20(me) and how he was betrayed by Quickslash and Shadowblade. How his clan was hunted down to the brink of destruction. And how he watched through the ages as every Elder was Killed again and again by the Rogues that betrayed him. How he fights to regain his lost memory, and at his final moments he meets two great warrior hunters the doctor and P R E D A T O R. How he notices in them what he sees in himself and how he assends to the Elder position. In between all of those events we will give detailed analysis of each clansmen battles and trageties. K20s many fights with the Rogues, etc etc. And the triumphant rebirth of Balatu after it was nearly wiped out. Again ending with K20 and his ilk fighting on the planet in the final chapters. Detailed analysis of each member, and history etc etc.

Book 7- Ragnorock: In the end...

Book 7 will be the longest of the books. Very long to account for all of the clans actions and how they affect what is taking place on the planet ZX2. Their will be more story development but will be ended in a glorious and terrifying battle. Yes some will die, unexpected things will happen and I hope it will captivate all of you and everyone that reads it. I want this to be the turning point for Alien vs Predator literature. It has been so bland. Garbage to say the least. I hope to spark interest in a new generation in the franchises. Book 5 will be shocking to say the least. I want everyone to help with the development of the books, I will give up to date information and show everyone what is happening. Remember these are your characters you have a say on how they live and how they lived. And their destiny is in your hands. Each and every person will recieve full credit for the particpation. Artwork will be very important Iseijin and Broken Tusk said they want to submit their work I have seen their work and they will be both rewarded for it. With Praetorian's permission I would like to thank him and for giving me this opportunity to write this. For if it wasn’t for each and every one of you this would not be possible and also the great work Praetorian did to give us this site.

I will not write in anyone that does not want to be written in. That is your choice. I hope that each person that wishs to be included gives me a rough history of them and I will take some liberty and fine tune it. With their permission of course. These books are going to be published and will take a great deal of time to release. I plan having them released like the Harry Potter series. I want to invest a lot of time into each book not half @ssing each one like most people have done to the AVP universe, which has given it some bad rap if you know what I mean.

So far only a few have signed up, as I said I will not start writing officially until every has signed up these are the people who have signed up so far.


Solo pred
The doctor
Angus Alien
Alien Worrier
Vincent Vega
Cystic Warrior
solos lil bro
predalien 64

Ok and for creative purposes and to make the book flow better and sound better some people may have to have their names changed, SO FAR THE PREDATOR NAMES ARE DONE THE XENOMORPH AND HUMAN NAMES ARE TAKING LONGER SO BARE WITH ME ON THAT GUYS.

Thanks I know it is a lot to read but if yall help me with this I can start the official writing of the book tomorrow thanks guys.

Elder of Clan Balatu

K20A2 is equipped with standard Predator armor, 2 wristblades, 2 sidearm blades(acid proof), 2 dics(acid proof), wrist netgun, 2 combisticks(acid proof), plasmacaster, thermalnetting


the_doctor, Undefined, 19 years ago

K20 is in a little bit of a troubled time at the moment hes had a lot of thing going on but he will be back soon

are you predator or prey?

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

does anyone know where k20 went?

Vasquez you are too just too bad

K20A2, Undefined, 19 years ago

If you have any questions regarding the Book ask them here, or if you would like to talk about about the books talk here. This is a open talk regarding the BOOKS ONLY!!!!

UPDATE: Editing is almost complete with the prolouge. I should have it posted in a week.

As for the Xeno and Human names I will have them tomorrow I have finished them and I have been going over them to make sure they sound right.

K20A2 is equipped with standard Predator armor, 2 wristblades, 2 sidearm blades(acid proof), 2 dics(acid proof), wrist netgun, 2 combisticks(acid proof), plasmacaster, thermalnetting


predalien_64, Undefined, 19 years ago

sorry K2 but i have not been on in a long time what was my Aliens name?

The Best Of Both Nightmares

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Sorry predalien64 K20A2 has been gone for a long time we dont know where he is...


humanhunter92, Undefined, 19 years ago

I need a predator language name

predalien_64, Undefined, 19 years ago

bummer, hope K2 gets back soon

The Best Of Both Nightmares

the_doctor, Undefined, 19 years ago

its like he dissapered off the face of the internet

are you predator or prey?


predatoress, Undefined, 19 years ago

Hmm... You are making some books? Damn it, I probably entered too late, it would have been nice to be in the development story of Balatu:)

-The softer side of clan Balatu - Yeah right, IN YOUR DREAMS lol-

K20A2, Undefined, 19 years ago

you can be strata

K20A2 is equipped with standard Predator armor, 2 wristblades, 2 sidearm blades(acid proof), 2 dics(acid proof), wrist netgun, 2 combisticks(acid proof), plasmacaster, thermalnetting


Mighty_Blade, Undefined, 19 years ago

If K20 gets back on i want to know if I can be in the books

Kill with honor. Die with honor.
Dishonor is worse than death.

Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

Too bad i am not on the list, should have enrolled earlier.


K20A2, Undefined, 19 years ago

Ok well for starters and I am prolly giving away to much information but what the heck. Ok the shadow serpents were once part of the Hive (daves hive) and after a brutal slaughter of a Predator clan one of the Aliens began to confront dave about the actions the hive was taking he felt that they were not fulifulling their destiny of the complete and utter destruction of the galaxy and all life so, Ash(former Shadow Serpents leader) stages a mutiny to try to overthrow dave as the alpha with the help of a select few Xenos that followed him. However Ash is defeated by dave and is mortally wounded in the fight. He and the others trying to overthrow dave and his warriors are chased out by them after their defeat. Ash then assumes the role of the new Hive called the Shadow Serpents(they are called this because of their darker coloration than the other Xenos) After many battles Ash is unfit to continue to remain as the Alpha and is replaced by Angus Alien, but he is still a key and powerful Xeno in the new hive. thusly the Shadow Serpents encounter their old hive on many occaisions and are forced to join forces when a large Marine task force nearly wipes out both the hive and shadow serpents, their is not much trust between the two hives but they will work together for their own means.

Hope that helps if yall like please let me know.

K20A2 is equipped with standard Predator armor, 2 wristblades, 2 sidearm blades(acid proof), 2 dics(acid proof), wrist netgun, 2 combisticks(acid proof), plasmacaster, thermalnetting


K20A2, Undefined, 19 years ago

oh the Marine Task Force was lead by TDN of the Alpha Draconis.

K20A2 is equipped with standard Predator armor, 2 wristblades, 2 sidearm blades(acid proof), 2 dics(acid proof), wrist netgun, 2 combisticks(acid proof), plasmacaster, thermalnetting


K20A2, Undefined, 19 years ago

Ok, I am sure everyone who has been on this site since the RPG before last is familiar with my History and the History of Clan Balatu, well my clan Balatu is a very old and ancient clan, we have seen many Elders, the first Elder was a very old and respected Pred amoung the clans. He lead the clan to great honor of many occaionsons. But there was one who was denied the postion of Elder his name was Shadowblade, and what he cannot have he would take by force. Shadowblade with the help of Topslice murdered the Elder and systematically slaughtered the remaining members of the clan, finally he confronted me and Quickslash in a long battle he had the upper hand the entire time but like all tyrants he slipped up and as I was about to kill him, Quickslash stabbed me in the back with his combistick and left me to die with no honor, that is how balatu comes into everything, me (K20) is made elder reluctantly and is on a oppessed mission to exact revenge on Shadowblade for corrupting his brother Qucislash and to regain his honor.

Hunter's Moon is different I havent finished there history work yet.

K20A2 is equipped with standard Predator armor, 2 wristblades, 2 sidearm blades(acid proof), 2 dics(acid proof), wrist netgun, 2 combisticks(acid proof), plasmacaster, thermalnetting


TDN, Undefined, 19 years ago

Well, okay a little sugesstion, maybe if you're using my codename then they (my squad) could call me something like "Lieutanent T" or simply "Lieutanent" instead of the long "Lieutanent TDN".
Our clan's history is posted on Buller's profile and my character description and history is posted on my profiel in case you need some aid in your work.
My equipment is posted in my sig right here.

Armor: Standard USCM armor platings, designed to witstand single attacks from alien claws or predator wristblades. Included is a belt and a backpack.
Weapons:1 combat knife located on right side of belt, 1 VP 70 Pistol located on left side of belt, 1 pump action shotgun stored inside backpack for "close encounters", 1 M41A Pulse Rifle as primary weapon to be held at all times, extra pulse rifle magazines stored inside backpack, high explosive grenades located in front of belt in protected sacks
Techs: 1 hand held Motion Tracker to be used at all times

K20A2, Undefined, 19 years ago

Ok Alpha Draconis founded and lead by TDN (aka "Kevin Day", your real name in the book TDN). With Buller (O'shea mcLellan) as your second in command, Wolf_Kid is the acting medical officer(aka Jennifer Rae your book name), and a new recruit Glover is a wild finger gunner ready to lay destruction down to any alien menece. Glover(aka Tim Sanders) is a moderate level extermination squad, having experience handling both Alien and Predator threats the team is quickly gaining recognation for there talents and success record so far having not lost a single Marine in the team. They were the first team in on a recon of the aftermath of Hadleys Hope and quickly put down the remaining Xenomorphs soon afterward they came under attack from a Predator deep space ship and narrowly avoided destruction(which will be explained in the book), TDN being highly respected for his ability to handle himself under extreme situations and pressures, with his best friend Buller they have slain many Xenos and Preds, They encounter a threat they could not put down, a strange group of Predators that for some strange reason defeated them but spared their lives this remains a mystery but will be revivled in the books.

K20A2 is equipped with standard Predator armor, 2 wristblades, 2 sidearm blades(acid proof), 2 dics(acid proof), wrist netgun, 2 combisticks(acid proof), plasmacaster, thermalnetting


K20A2, Undefined, 19 years ago


K20A2 is equipped with standard Predator armor, 2 wristblades, 2 sidearm blades(acid proof), 2 dics(acid proof), wrist netgun, 2 combisticks(acid proof), plasmacaster, thermalnetting


Unknown, Undefined, 19 years ago

I like the Alpha's story K20 good job mate. Wats happening BUDDY?

Dont be rude drink ure drink go home j**k off and thats all ure gonna do.


caboose3456, Undefined, 19 years ago

hey have xeno names been posted yet

Goodbye pinkie toe...YOU SHALL BE AVENGED