cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

Right forget that question because I have just come up with the most randomised and unanwserble question predator children have toys?yes i know this bit ,ok a lot stupid but it just striked me when i remembered the PREDATOR 2 film because the predator in it looked at the child with the UZI(gun)but knew after scanning it was a toy so does that mean that even he had toys?

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

well.. ill be damned but most likely, and he was scanning to see if it was a treat anyway i think that a child would need stimulation and yes but not like toys we know, some maybe to help thair reflexes and other components you know keep the child happy until its ready to hunt

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

OH so it might have a (wht the hell do you call those things were you hav to hit a thing coming out)somthing like that.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

You know that is actually a pretty good question. I'd never thought of that before. Either they do have toys or their young train with fake weapons. That could tell us a lot more about their culture than the dreads and the scars.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

I will laugh my head off if i see in the next predator movie(meaning predator 3 if its going to be made)a little child yautja with a club and repativly hitting things with it.

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

well i mean we know that predators have emotion and the clidren might not be trained, so yes probibaly a fake weapon to practise killing thing like a boar maybe, they must fell boredom, so probibaly.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

Well theres a pic on the Hunted website if you go to the part where the quiz is it's down there.

DeathWraith, Yautja, 16 years ago

Well of what i've seen, i can't really say that Predators get trained as great warriors since they are young, except for the Wolf, so far they've only seemed to be amators with averege training in hunting a specific species that is greatly disadvantaged, as in we can't see them. But since they say the ones in AvP were teenagers, i would think they had been trained for a while before being thrown into a piramid with aliens. However obviously, they hadn't been traine enough. So this makes me think that they actually do have toys and not fake weapons. By toys i mean replicas of weapons with which they play, and by fake weapons i mean replicas of weapons with which they would train, such as blunt wristblades or paintcasters lol.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

Well we wont know untill they show it in a movie(<-unlikely) or either some real predators come along and we start a war with them(<-likely).

Ok for some reason this just came up in my mind Because predators have longer live spans does that mean it takes a lot longer for them to mature(puberty)?

-Bloo-, Yautja, 16 years ago

I would think so. Stalker's theory is what I'm going with, which is that every ten years for us is one year for them. The AVP Predators were probably 150, which meant they were 15, which means they were in fact teenagers.
Scar Face was isolated for a century, and when we see him again he looked the same. Ten years wouldn't do much to us and neither would it to them.

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

so basicly they might live with there mother for a while.

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

No, i think they mature faster, to survive they need to and also they are stronger so they need testosterone, so they must

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

so bascily your calling predators dum,why?because your saying that it takes 150 years for them just to fight well im going with my theroy.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 16 years ago

Then spiders must be WAY smarter than us - they mature way faster!

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

listen on thair plannet orbit is probibaly longer and thair days are to because the longer you spend in the heat the more you hate the cold and they hate rain, so in thair orbit yes i will be around 15 years but in outs that 150 see were im getting

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

Right im not getting that thoery.lets take an example from avp.celtic predator looked built and for that to happen it will take more than 15 years if you look at the predator in PREDATOR it was not that bulit as celtic predator.

I have to agree that spiders are smarter then as they dont fuss or argue,when has anyone here seen a spider war.

concretehunter, Yautja, 16 years ago

... black widdows eat thair mate and spiders kill eachother all the time.. seriously snakes do my snake was 1 yr old and he is over a meter and a half

cleticyautja, Yautja, 16 years ago

No i mean wars!!!the one with tanks,guns and the other stuff.

TribalWerewolf9, Yautja, 16 years ago

that is really stupid. spiders in tanks. im arachnophobic and that would be horrible destructive and id rather be killed by mister voorhees or eaten by a zombie.

-Bloo-, Yautja, 16 years ago

Being smart and being intelligent is two different things. We're intelligent enough to create modern warfare. We're NOT smart for creating it. It's my bad for wording that wrongly - but when spiders are intelligent enough to blast off each other's asses with explosives, let me know.

(By the way, they don't make a fuss like we do - they just fight to the death, see who wins, and the past is the past after that.)